Introducing Noki, My Second Born Daughter & The Sweetest Girl I know!

Because the topics of parenting and education are of utmost important to me, I intend to make many more posts addressing these foundational issues. 

I made my first post on this important topic titled "An Inside Look Into My Family Life and An Introduction To My New Paradigm Perspective On Parenting and Education"

One of my quotes is "Parenting is the foundation of all of our lives, for better or for worse", and I feel it is one of the most--if not the most--important facets of life. I now have 3 children made and born of my blood and a lot to share on the topic.

But before I get too deep into the subject, I want to continue introducing my family. You can read about my first born QiQi in this post "Introducing The Amazing QiQi, My First Born Daughter".

Noki is my second born, and today is her 4th birthday!! I feel it is a perfect time to introduce her to you all. 

Like QiQi, Noki was born totally naturally without any "professionals"--no midwife/doctor/dula/coach etc. She was born at home here in The Garden of Eden. Her older sister, QiQi, was 1.5 at the time, and she was present for the whole birth of her sister. 

This is something that is important to me because I don't ever treat my children like "children"; I simply treat them as beings and interface with them as they are. I do not try and shield, hide, coerce, bribe, or especially force anything with any of them. Not only was I comfortable with QiQi being present for the whole birth, but I feel it was quite beneficial for her because she wanted to be there. 

Noki in turn was also present for her younger brother's birth in Ecuador (which is a whole story in itself that I will hopefully get to sometime soon). She was amazing, as calm if not more calm than any of the adults around! 

Noki is a lot different than her sister. If you have not yet read about QiQi, please do in my introduction post. We call her "Nakey Noki Nature Girl" because she is almost always naked, is totally natural, and loves being in nature. She is not a girly princess girl like her older sister, QiQi who likes to brush her hair many times a day, always be clean, and have more privacy with her body. 

Noki loves to be dirty, has never let us brush her hair and loves to play outside all the time. Her favorite toys are horses. She plays with horses every day for hours. She goes on adventures outside, making all her horse sounds, finding them food, and protecting them from the dangers of the wild like cheetahs and lions. 

She loves to lie in the grass, make mud pies, and immerse herself in her own little world. Also unlike her sister, she can play for hours all by herself. She is VERY calm, at peace, and fulfilled in herself. She needs very little attention--or almost anything for that matter! In fact, just the other day she woke up at 12am right as I and her mother were going to sleep. We slept for 8 hours and Noki took care of herself in all regards for 8 hours straight, all alone. I was quite surprised and impressed even with how used to their extraordinary competence I am. 

We have always been VERY nurturing and caring for our children. They have never been with a baby sitter, a day care, or even a family member without one or both of their parents. I don't know anyone or an environment that lives up to the standards I want for them, and they have thus never wanted to be away from it. 

We all sleep in a family bed, and are together every day. Its true that I "work" a LOT. I am the founder and director of The Garden of Eden, I have many other adult children to take care of (the hundreds of people I feed, house, clothe and help get on track) I spend many hours a day on Steemit, run a production company, clothing line, jewelry line, do consulting and a lot more. 

Yet every day I am home as they are, and they can come to me at any point for anything and I meet them in presence. Maybe more importantly I provide a super abundant, safe and free environment for them to consciously live and evolve. 

They also have their mother who is a full-time stay at home mom, having very little to no responsibilities besides being there for the children if they need something. Also there are other children and adults here who they love, that are living here every day as well. They have NO lack of support and care; I have never seen children so cared for and free to be. 

Noki is the sweetest girl I have ever met! One day she was crying because her sister was asserting her power over her, so I picked her up to talk to her. (We discuss everything including life and death, politics, money, religion, police state and or anything that ever comes up.) Even though she was sad, she told me that she didn't assert her power because she just wants her sister to be happy. I started to cry because her virtue is so pure and so real. This is who she is. 

She is always ok with her sister getting first choice in everything. Her older sister is always claiming first dibs on everything, and Noki will happily squeal "Im Second!!!!!" even now tears well in my eyes as I feel into her almost unfathomable loving, caring, non-attached being. 

Her friend just had a birthday the other day, and we had a cake with candles on it. All the children were making their wishes, wishing for things of course. They blew out all the candles but one, because they are older and quicker on the draw.  Noki made her wish and it was "I wish to have so much fun playing with my friends today."

I could write on and on and on about how at peace she is, how comfortable and present she is. She is so low maintenance, so loving, so amiable to the situation at hand. She truly is the sweetest girl I have ever met. 

She is also very responsible and quite capable. She is not a go getter like her sister; she is much more reserved and even timid at times. Yet she was also using the toilet for pee and poo at 3 weeks old. She has been helping prepare meals, using sharp knives and cleaning since she was 2 years old. 

She is also a very healthy girl. She vary rarely ever asks for any treats, processed foods, or any of the common child cravings. 

She loves to make up her own games and is very content with simply finding nature's treasures or discarded trash and making games out of it. She doesn't ask for things, which is good because I don't buy stuff. She creates her own games, makes her own toys like me, and is fulfilled in the natural and sustainable life. 

Here Noki collects big fallen leaves off the sidewalk in Ecuador. 

She then collects them in a paper bag, which was discarded trash on the street. This is just one of hundreds of times she has used discarded waste (human or nature's) as her play toys. 

Here she makes a special bouquet gift for me out of found materials. She loves to give gifts and gives them every day to many people in her life. 

I love all my children, yet Noki is truly so sweet and I am honored to be around her each day. Today she doesn't even want happy birthday sung to her nor has made any special requests at all. She is so happy with her life and being herself that even on her birthday she doesn't request anything. 

I am excited to share a lot more about our New Paradigm Family and the unique approach we have to education and the extraordinary results we get. Next I will introduce my first born son and hopefully be posting daily about family life. 

I believe that all problems in the world begin with parenting and thus all solutions lie in New Paradigm Parenting. 

Enjoy your day, constantly remember and nurture what is most important in your life. All we have is now~*~

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