Richard's Introductory message to the steemit community

Hi steemit Community, welcome to my blog. And for now, here's my first post and I'd be giving a description about myself and the things i like. I hope you like fall in love with me afterwards 🙃😉😉
Ok... My name is Richard Jonathan and I am a fine boy winks Don’t be quick to judge, I have pictures to show.

Richard is a very humble fella and he’s got a humble beginning. I am from a family of 3 and I am the first of three men. I love my family, I could literally take a bullet for them.
My love for music can’t be compromised in any way, I mean I won’t trade music for a pot of chicken, trust me. I have great intentions towards making good music someday. Secondly,I am a gamer and I am not sorry. I could boldy tel you that I am a good gamer and I could confidently play best hands and win I’m that good.
Also, I’m an activist on low-key, I skate and play football at leisure, and I know I am quite blessed by God as my life has been smooth from day 1.
In recent months, I have heard alot about steemit from @xpressng and I must say I’m quite impressed by the community and their mannerisms , because in this modern day generation, where everyone want an easy going life, it could pass for one. So for the record, I’d be writing posts on some adventurous, comedic and historic related topics.
However, my blog promises to be very interesting as I can guarantee you so much juicy posts, information and heartfelt messages, so if you are somewhere else other-than my blog, you should reconsider, because you’d miss out on alot.
Note that I have no topic restriction and I also plan to use this platform to create awareness for issues plaguing this world, as such expect my next post quite soon as I take this amazing journey. Bye for now. See you when I see you.!

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