Introduction - Hello Steem

An Introduction of Rob's 100 Day Blockchain Adventure

Hello Steem!

Hey everyone, my name is Rob and I a student at Colby College studying in the middle of nowhere Maine. This is how I must look when I go to class. 

I am majoring in computer science and mathematics, yeah weird I know, not the typical liberal arts major. However, over the last few months I have conducted an independent study of blockchain, attended the MIT Bitcoin Expo, traded many cryptocurrencies (ETH, BTC, XMR, LTC, and ETC), and accepted a blockchain related internship. The following is me being very excited for what the future holds...

The reason I have decided to join Steem is because I have decided to go on a 100 day blockchain adventure. Starting tomorrow I am going to spend at least 1 hour a day for the next 100 days in attempt to build my own cryptocurrency from scratch. I will blog each day about my progress, what I learned, and of course my failures. If anyone wants to join, use the #100DaysToICO



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