Robyn Eggs: An introduction as poet and artist

Birth of Robyn Eggs

Teenage Angst
Hello all! I hail from cloudy Portland, OR.
I am an artist...
I started writing poetry in high school as an outlet for my teenage angst, and it has been ongoing ever since! I seem to be drawn to imagery, prose and tragedy. The works of both Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Bukowski have sunk into my mind, like a sponge left to absorb the water on the edge of a tub. Those are the two poets who have inspired me the most.

Writing is my outlet
For me, writing helps me keep calm. It allows me to bypass all those needy times I think people should be listening to me. Instead, I just emote my feeling all over the paper, with pen. Ink truly is my favorite medium. I also do decoupage and collage poster art. I have an original series of newspaper poetry, scrapped together, letter for letter, by hand. I am building it so that I can scan them all in and edit them into a collection of unique word art poetry. It is taking a long time to put together, though, years. In the meantime, however, I have prepared a series poem shorts, about 6 or 8 lines each. They are artistically designed to bring joy, pain, and even, sorrow. For love is sorrowful sometimes. More often than not, I have found this to be true.

Tragic love is the best love
I am hopeless romantic, admittedly. My first lust was a boy who had no interest in me. I found myself obsessing over him and hoping he would notice the point of shaking sometimes! Then came Ed, my first boyfriend. He was Italian, funny, and played guitar. Every day after school I would go over to his house, eat spaghetti, and lounge while he serenaded me. Pretty romantic. But then we went our separate ways for college and it ended, tragically. :-( Luckily I wrote about all of it for the generations to come. ;-)

I look forward to hearing all of your constructive criticism in the near future
Also wanna give a shout-out to my homeboy @nebcat. YOU are a rockstar and I thank you for turning me onto this! @steemit, here I come!

Original poem of mine, No.1

"The Juicing of My Sins"
Run Away
To the time that has passed
And Again
I seek to ascertain
What it is that actually causes my pain
Is it the rain?
Or juvenile perhaps?
A candid glance
At a cat in a handbag
Teasing, pleasing
Kissing and loving are the couple next to me
On the street
So long ago it was a treat
Licking the sound of my pants coming down
I wink
As I sink
Into an oblivion of carelessness
Of wanting and wasting
The juicing of my sins
Running over the sides
Of my neon thigh high tights
Like ice cream in the sun
It melts to reveal lights
Shining up from the grass, green like weed
And the turning of the clocks have become consistent enough now
To know how to linger

3 columns
2 columns
1 column