Cryptocurious Software Engineer, New to Steemit!

It's me, Roscoe

My name is Roscoe Hart. I'm a 23 year old software developer living in Brisbane, Australia. It all started when I was 7. My brother introduced me to floppy disks before he inserted one into the family computer...

Whacky Wheels. The first computer game I played.
Whacky Wheels. The first computer game I played.

I fell in love instantly. It was magic to me, that by pushing buttons on the keyboard, I could change the outcome of this world inside the screen. But my curiousity didn't end there, I needed to understand how this was possible and how I could harness this magic myself.

Years later, I stumbled across GameMaker, a drag n' drop game builder. I created many small prototypes and attempts at cloning my favourite games. Each time, my ambition got the best of me. Not long after reaching a milestone on my lastest project, would I fall in love with the next hot idea. I soon started feeling the limits of drag n' drop and was once again, I was hungry for more. It wasn't until completing a degree in Computer Science, learning various programming languages, that my lust for programming power was finally satisfied.

I'll never forget you, GameMaker
I'll never forget you, GameMaker

Currently, I work full-time as developer for a multinational corporation that provides software and services to the telecommunication industry. It's a challenging job at times, but I consider myself lucky that my job and my passion are one in the same.

Over the last few years, I've focused my learning in web development. I'm a huge fan of the JavaScript ecosystem and enjoy the rapid pace at which it is evolving. I've learned to use many different frameworks and tools by creating small web apps for fun or as entries for Hackathons.

Speaking of Hackathons, check out my most recent entry, Rangoli Studio. It's a tool for drawing and designing mandalas, inspired by the rangoli I saw in the streets of Banaglore, India. It's a bit rough around the edges as I only had two days to complete it, but I plan rework and re-release it soon.

A simple mandala, created with Rangoli Studio
A simple mandala, created with Rangoli Studio

Recently, I've been learning about blockchain technology, and so far, I'm amazed at what I believe will be possible one day. I think we're headed for a future where everyone can be given equal opportunity and be rewarded fairly for the value they contribute to society.

With so many half-baked projects under my belt, I see Steemit as a fantastic oppurtunity to share my creativity with the world. I plan to polish and open-source many of my past projects and blog about the progress of my latest works.

I hope you look forward to seeing my creations as much as I look forward to sharing them with you!


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