Hello from the farm!

Hello Steemit community, I'm glad to be here!

Up until 2 years ago I was a full time web designer and developer. Then as I was an avid gardener I became interested in growing my own food and started volunteering on various farms to learn what it takes to grow our food organically. At first I thought I was getting into growing veggies for profit but as I learned much more about Permaculture, herbalism and nutrition I became inspired to live more in tune with nature and to grow more good food than I need so that I can share it with others.

I am saving seeds from my travels to plant in a future garden, hopefully not too far in the future. Seeds are like natures crypto. They are decentralized, abundantly available, diverse without monopoly. They are very resilient. Seeds can turn into beauty, deliciousness, homes, tools. They can remove CO2 from the atmosphere.


I am intrigued by the strength and wisdom in the seeds that can grow to huge trees that give us food year after year. I dream of a day that our city streets are lined with nut and fruit trees free for everyone to enjoy and appreciate.


Herbs and trees can give us abundant nutrition, to the point where your body smiles and says "thank you, may I have more of this life giving energy"?


Nature nourishes us heart, mind, body and soul. She provides what we need to flourish.


Thank you for a beautiful community where I am humbled to introduce myself and proud to learn from others.




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