Petrolhead and Foodie Joins Steemit from India. Welcome to my world!

Hello Steemians! My name is Sanjay J Kamath and my buddy @firepower introduced me to this platform. We are motorcycle buddies since 2009. I noticed @firepower engaging our mutual friends and his followers on facebook, introducing and talking about Steemit platform. This curiosity led me to attend the Steemit Conference in Mangalore 2 weeks ago.

I am from Mangalore City located in the the southern part of India. It has one of the biggest shipping port in India, and is one of the fastest developing city in the country. The city gets its name from the Goddess Mangaladevi, a Hindu Deity, and also boasts of 5 Regional languages. It has some very beautiful beaches found on the Indian coastline.

I am passionate about Motorcycling, travelling and also an ardent foodie. For many reasons, I am a strict vegetarian but that doesn't deter my undying love for good food. Due to my love for Vegetarian Food and cuisines, I got inducted into a food and travel blog called the The 3 Hungry Men. It was a brainchild of my two good friends Colin D'souza and Nikhil Pai.

The team at a famous patisserie

We The 3 Hungry Men are all about food and travel. It has been over 7 years now into this fun adventurous food and travel journey. Here is some of what we do.

Here is a photo from our competitive eating events.

The Pizza eating competition

My travelling stories with the 3 hungry men, exploring new places, countries. My first international trip was to Singapore where I got to see and experience Singapore’s beautiful culture and the people. My next trip was to Russia, the largest country on Earth. We spent around 2 weeks exploring various cities like Moscow, Nizhny-novgorod, Kazan and St. Petersburg.

Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia.

The Stone Chariot from the great Vijayanagara Empire at HAMPI

When I grew bigger than the other 2 Hungry Men

When I was in college, I was introduced to the world of motorcycling by some of my very good friends Akshay, Dhanush, Rajat, Abhishek and mainly @firepower who inspired me to get into the wonderful world of motorcycling. I can still recall the days when @firepower had organised various biking events in Mangalore under the banner of Motoroids and xBhp. He was a pioneer to promote safety on motor vehicles in Mangalore.

Later on with my friends Dhanush aka @speedracer and Akshay and our group of like-minded motorcycling enthusiasts decided to start a new journey with a purpose to promote safe riding in our city with a group and a banner called RevLimiterZ. Our tagline goes like this- Life starts at the Red Line.

This is picture from our very first group introduction and meet.

We continued our journey of life on two wheels promoting safety and also riding for a cause promoting and supporting various social causes like a campaign to pledge to donate our eyes and road safety awareness. We also supported various organizations that take care of underprivileged kids.

Road Safety Awareness Street Play

At a Children's home with the team

I couldn’t be happier when my elder brother upgraded my motorcycle from a single-cylinder Royal Enfield to a twin-cylinder, Kawasaki Ninja 650. My heart was filled with joy when my dream came true when we bought this kickass sports tourer. My love for motorcycle never stopped as I kept engaging myself around more beautiful amazing machines the world had to offer.

My Kawasaki Ninja 650r

Ride to Bisle Ghat

I am a freelance digital marketing consultant by profession and I love the world of information technology. I see incredible potential in Steemit and I am thrilled to be a part of it. I will be writing about motorcycling, Travel, food and some stories from my personal life. I hope you will find them interesting and will come back to read more of my blogs.

Thank you for your attention and please follow my blogs.

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