Crypto-numismatist and Cartographer

Hello Steemit!

My name is Sam (aka Sardonyx) a Geospatial Analyst and fresh new minnow, on steemit and within the greater world of cryptocurrencies as well!

Coming from hobby trading stocks and investment research in my spare time, I am a new investor in the vast marine landscape of blockchain technology.


"Don't tell us about dreams. Dream-dinners aren't any good, and we can't share them."
-The Hobbit, J.R.R Tolkien

I have many aspirations, too many to list here. But what I hope to gain from this community the most is new ones, new inspirations and discoveries and things to strive for. I think if there was ever a place it could happen, it would be here.

In the mean time, I make maps. If you would like a map, let me know! Haha. I enjoy using powerful software to collect data from satellites and government resources and presenting it all in awesome ways.

Aquifers of the United States, that I made in ArcGIS Pro last week.

Growing up, I was an artist raised by a gaggle of rocket scientists. I was taught to be a biologist, astronomer, meterologist, and researcher during family trips, and it has served me well. But there was the part of me that came out in the wee hours of the morning, the part that could replicate works of art just by glancing at them, learn a new form of dance and take to it as easily as eating chocolate chip cookies (I love cookies), and the girl who wrote two books in two different languages before she turned 18.
How could I combine all of these people into one common goal?

Well, in truth I am still figuring it out. I have found a calling in being a Geospatial Analyst, but many things call to me from just beyond the horizon. For now, all I know is that I love old coins, and backpacking, and watching every episode of Rick and Morty while stuffing my face full of Pocky and mourning the end of Naruto.

Took this on a short hike near where I live here in stunning Colorado.

I hope I can surprise you guys, and in the process end up surprising myself as well.

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