Southern Ark Homestead is now on Steemit!

 Hello, I would like to introduce myself to the Steemit Community. I am Nina Stephens of Southern Ark Homestead. I was born in Delhi, Louisiana, but I grew up in Natchez, Mississippi. That's where I consider my home town to be. I graduated High School there, and spent my childhood there. I grew up there, and married there. When my husband died in 1991, I continued to raise my children there, in my home town. I have 3 grown children. Terry Stephens, my oldest son, is 30 years old now. He has a wonderful wife and my only grand daughter, Maddie Jo. Joshua Stephens, my middle son, is 28 years old and doesn't have kids of his own yet. Erica Wade, my youngest child and daughter, is 26 years old, and has my two grand sons, Aydenn and Logan. Now that my children are grown and gone from home, I can focus on my life. I have never remarried. I'm a painter, homesteader, off gridder in Louisiana. Yes, I have a full time job, but my passion is to live as self sustaining as possible. I love to learn new things and have made many mistakes and probably will make many more. My homestead property is located in Southern Arkansas. I have 13 acres there that I am beginning the process of developing into a future home for myself. I'm beginning to set everything in place. My life is a journey that is evolving and changing and if you follow, I will bring you along.

    I haven't figured out how to post photos and videos to Steemit yet, but bear with me while I learn a new platform. Thank you for having me and I look forward to my future on Steemit. ~Nina Stephens From Southern Ark Homestead.

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