Spreading Anarchy Through Animation

Hello Steemers! My name is Seth. I'm an animator from Toronto, Ontario hoping to spread the message of peace, freedom and voluntary interaction through my content and I'm very excited to share it with this community.

It doesn't look like there is any content on steemit tagged video, animation, film, or anything like that. Does that mean I'm the first filmmaker to be a part of this community? I don't know. If so, I'm excited to be here and I hope you all will be excited to see my work. If not... hey I'm still excited to be here, and I would love to connect with any other filmakers on this site. So please comment if that's you!

What I Do

...Hand drawn animation. Actual frame-by-frame, hand drawn animation. As in, I actually draw out every single frame to create motion. That sounds like a huge pain in the ass right? It is, but I love it. I love the organic look that comes from hand-drawn animation. It's something that no computer can replicate. To me, it's the tiny mistakes and imperfections that make the work human and relatable.

In the past I did most of my work pen on paper and then composited all of the images digitally, but now I am doing all of my work on the computer. Working digitally, though still incredibly time consuming has allowed me to accelerate my workflow and fine tune my work with greater ease.

Since it would be nearly impossible to make full length features without the backup of a major studio with millions of dollars and a gigantic team of artists, I'm focusing my efforts on short format storytelling - perfect for the internet.

Spreading the Message

I want to create animated shorts that are amusing, thought provoking, and most importantly spread the gospel of freedom. I'm currently in the process of animating a miniseries of super-short films that will touch on subjects like war, taxes, voting, and pretty much anything else that has to do with the crazy, messed up, false god known as "government." For now I won't get any more specific than that. But if you're a voluntaryist, this series should be right up your alley.

I don't expect to make many posts here for the next few months since I'll be focusing most of my efforts on completing my miniseries. But when the time comes, I will post all of my videos here as I release them.

Some Examples

I haven't yet published any content that propagates my philosophy, that's still to come. But here are some examples of the work I've done. This first video is an adaptation of three stories from Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales for Children:

I have also done freelance work. Here is a music video - and my first fully digital animation - that I did for a rock band from Toronto called Most Non Heinous:

Final Words

Thank you so much for reading! I hope some of you will follow me and watch my webseries when I release it in a few months.

P.S. Here's my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYZmY-Es0n618BZp45TPtCQ

P.P.S. One of the benefits of being a part of a community is engaging with your audience. If any of you have any ideas for anarchist/voluntaryist short films, I'm all ears!

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