One month on Steemit: Re-introduction + Shout outs | Steemit 满月:自我再介绍+感谢帖


Hi Steemians,

Can't believe it's been a month since I joined Steemit. over the past month I had made a lot of friends and learnt a lot. I have been looking at other Steemians’ introduction posts and it seems that my own was on the short side. Since @choogirl had requested more information about myself in order for me to join #teamaustralia, I have decided to use this first anniversary to do a more detailed post about who I am.

So, to be considering joining #teamaustralia, obviously I have to have some connections with Australia. But the question of “where were you from” is a difficult question to answer, as it really depends on what you want to know. I call Australia home for the last 10 years, but I am a Kiwi. I grew up in Auckland, but went to Christchurch for uni (where I met my wife). But I was also born in Hong Kong, and was there until I was 11 years old. I strongly identify myself with all these places. So the answer to the question “where were you from” usually becomes so long-winded that the person who asked tends just to tune out. This is also why you may see posts in Chinese on my page. It is hard for me to prepare a bilingual post because I type really slowly in Chinese, and some of the posts are hard to translate. However, I will try my best to do more bilingual posts in the future.

Another question that I sweat a lot when I hear it is “what do you do for a living”. It is not a hard question per se – I am a researcher in semiconductors and nanotechnology. But then I get questions like – “Oh, semiconductors – its something to do with music right?” or “Nanotechnology? Like those things that they put in shampoos?” – and the answers to those become complicated and awkward. In fact, I once met a girl on a plane that thought I was a conductor and therefore awesome and cool, then proclaimed that I was boring after I explained to her what semiconductor really is. Sometimes I tried to simplify my answers by saying I am a scientist. But I once got drilled by a custom officer asking what science I was doing, and whether I was making biological weapons. These days I just call myself an engineer and leave it at that.


If you have a look at my posts so far, you can see that I love travelling and I love taking photos. Here is a fun fact (for @choogirl): I got into photography because I was robbed at gunpoint in the middle of San Francisco (well, he didn’t actually point a gun at me, he only said he had a gun… but don’t let facts get in the way of a good story). My point-and-shoot was taken off me, and I managed to claim travel insurance back for it. When I went to choose a new camera, the Sony A100 was on special and I ended up buying that instead. And here I am, can’t live without my DSLR!

My first month on Steemit had been epic, and I am now really addicted to writing posts and sharing my stories. I am really thankful of all the support that I am getting from the Steemit community. I am especially thankful for @curie and @hendrikdegrote, your upvotes had really motivated me to keep writing. I am really grateful for that and I am sure every new Steemian who have gotten your support feels the same. Thank you @pharesim and @adrianobalan, I really appreciate your upvotes, it is really encouraging for my work to be liked by someone with so many followers. Thank you @juliank for organising the photo contests which are fun to participate in and really helps in building my portfolio here. Thank you @choogirl for the Steemit world map and travel digest initiative, and of course introducing me to #teamaustralia :). But the people I would like to thank the most are the new friends that I have made on Steemit: everyone in the cn group, @kristinaljfom, @alexandraioana26, @brumest, @tanata, @nolasco, @deborahmack and others, I enjoyed very much reading and admiring your work and your encouraging comments, and I really want to thank you for making Steemit such a welcoming place for a newcomer like me. Last but not least, thank you to everyone who have upvoted me, resteemed my posts and followed my blog. I really appreciate all your support and hope to make more friends in the coming months, and bring you more beautiful photos and interesting stories that you can enjoy!

This is the best photo of me!



我最大的兴趣是摄影。摄影这个兴趣是被我最好的朋友带动的。那时候他已经是个摄影发烧友,在一家摄影器材店当兼职。而我只是偶尔用一下我的傻瓜机照相(是没有智能手机的年代!) 有次去美国做短期研究,在三藩市的时候不知道那根筋抽了,竟然晚上九点去国会大厦照相。结果被一个老黑看上了。他先是过来说我照相机好想看看。被我拒绝之后他就说他只是想买照相机给女兒,就想试试相机,又说我不要看到黑人就这麽敏感。结果当我心软给他试试时,他拿起就走,还说他有槍,不要踉着他。我当时就懵了!过了半天才想起报警。



在Steemit一个月,学会的很多。在这段日子里,我非常的感谢大家的支持和鼓励!特别要感谢我的好朋友 @bobdos介绍我进来Steemit, 还借我SP让我在这里站稳脚来,真的非常感谢!还有就是中文区里的大神们,例如 @abit, @tumutanzi, @htliao, @oflyhigh, @deanliu, @rivalhw, @skenan, 谢谢你们的大力点赞,还有对中文区的支持。希望以后可以从你们学到更多东西!谢谢 @justyy, @cnbuddy团队, 感谢你们让我们这些中文区的小鱼们可以抱团取暖。还要感谢这个月里认识的好朋友们: @victory662, @winniex, @vandadream, @travelgirl, @dancingapple, @aaronli, @xiaoshancun, @catwomanteresa, @nationalpark, @nanosesame, @wangwenjing等等, 谢谢你们的支持和留言,让我这个新人觉得特别温暖!最后要谢谢毎一个为我点赞的人,请原谅我不能一一提及,可是我非常感谢你们的支持,希望以后继续在这里认识更多的朋友,继续分享我的照片和故事!

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