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In 2014 bitcoin changed my life, 2016 Steem will ?

There's no good way to introduce myself. I'm a 20 year-old woman, I’m between the cracks, I’m a slave, forced into whoring myself, a victim of what is usually called “human trafficking.” There's no way I can escape from this without harm coming to my family, I’m not here for pity. This is the life I'm stuck in, and I'm making the best of it, day by day. The last year, though has been much better than expected.
I began reading this reddit with interest in 2012, and in 2013 (first buy was at $43), began coordinating meets downtown with people selling local. (Nice guys, every one of them wanted to rescue me, really sweet (if any of you are reading this, thank you)) and I'd exchange a small portion of my night's cash for bitcoins.
I had one seller who began to meet me regularly, act like an ordinary John on until we got to the room, and then just educate me for the hour about bitcoin. These sessions are some of my happiest memories from the past 2 years. He even paid/tipped me for my time after teaching me! Some in cash, only a little in bitcoin: kept the management from growing suspicious. always still mostly taking home cash) I trusted him enough to hold my bitcoin for me, to keep any evidence of what I was doing off my phone. He was truly a good samaritan. In this way I managed to put about 10% of my earnings away every month. I don't have to tell you how smart and lucky I felt come December.
I sent 22 BTC home that month (around $750 exchange rate) to help pay off a portion of my parent's debt. If this was taken home as cash, almost 2/3 of it would have gone to management "expenses." Once I've finished covering their debt, I plan to save to purchase my freedom and be through with the business. This should be in about a year. I've recently begin to understand basic margin trading, and I suspect that, even with my extremely limited computer access, I could turn a profit on the bitcoin i already have by opening a 3:1 buy when I feel btc has dipped close to low.
I had some rare free time and II wanted to thank you, users of this subreddit, for helping educate me about bitcoin and, in turn, helping me to get my parent's life back on track as soon as possible. If I'm living a different life in a year, I'll have you all to thank. I bet this all sounds tragic, but it’s reality, and I'm doing much better than I ever imagined. I thought you would be happy to know how it has has positively affected my life & my parents.

From 2014 it was a whole new kind of experience it was a smooth sailing until my mom got admitted for breast cancer
i will be posting about myself a lot over here about what all i have went through in the next post

here is the link to my reddit story which was well received by the wonderful community

i would love to stay here and be a part of this community
Lets steem!!

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