One Lucky Noob Can Spend a Night With SteemItQA - Tonight ONLY!


Yes, you heard right! You get to learn from a pro ( I think!?) for a few hours! Ask your SteemIt questions that you've always wanted to ask.

Have me read over your future post your busy thinking of posting up! learn the best spots in the community to get followers and meet the community, no the actual community! lol .... Sound good ?

How to apply?

Visit SteemIt Chat and Yell, I'm a Noob where is SteemItQA!

Not everyone will be accepted. And maybe, nobody will be picked tonight. But, talk in the community in SteemIt Chat and we'll see how it goes!

You ready to moon ?

Update: As an added bonus I might a special treat/ guest appearance from a SteemIt whale!

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