Sterlin Luxan, A Belated Introduction and The Great Steemit Migration

Steemit love 2

sterlin good

Dear fellow Steemophiles,

My name is Sterlin Luxan...and I just now realized how rude I have been.

I discovered this platform as a result of encouragement from several friends, as well as sleuthing around and doing my own due diligence. But after becoming acquainted with how the Steemit app operates, excitement and buzz overwhelmed me, and I maniacally started brainstorming, creating and uploading content—sometimes into the wee hours of the night.

Amid my glassy-eyed, avaricious hunger, the thought of properly introducing myself never entered my mind. I felt like I seduced you all into joining me for a one night stand instead of taking everyone on several dates to build rapport and develop intimacy.

So perhaps we can start fresh, and get to know each other a bit better before hitting the sheets.


My wife and I


A Little Bit About Me; Psychological Anarchism

In meat space, I am married to a beautiful woman who I am in maddening love with. She takes takes care of me and makes certain I do not overstep my bounds and get into too much trouble, because I have a history of disobeying authority and causing mischief.

As of late, she has given me playful grief. I have been spending a lot of time on Steemit, and she joshes me for entertaining this new addiction. Together, we have no children, but that is on the agenda for some time in the future.

Online, I go by the moniker "Psychologic-Anarchist." Many people know me by that name because I have a Facebook community with 35,000 loyal supporters. I also help maintain the Compassionate Anarchy group on Facebook, and moderate The Art of Not Being Governed, Living in Modern Times, Emancipated Human, and several other anarchist news pages.

I have appeared on my friend Jeff Berwick's (@dollarvigilante) popular Anarchast show, and I will be speaking at next year's Anarchopulco conference. I have written for as a crypto-journalist. I work as a university research assistant and a copy editor. I am also working on my Masters degree in counseling psychology.

I write relentlessly. I carry a Moleskin journal with me everywhere and jot down any idea I come up with for future reference. Doing this on a day-to-day basis is what led me to the ideas and insights that spurred the development of the relational or compassionate anarchist philosophy, which has gained influence as a alternative approach to spreading and conceptualizing anarchism.

As a result, I have penned numerous articles for my website and started creating videos as they pertain to educating people about nonviolence, compassion, communication strategies, and counseling psychology.

But just as important, I have also helped broaden interest and bring more value to the Steemit ecosystem.

black brain

How I Helped Bootstrap the great Anarchist Migration to Steemit

After I started exploring Steemit, read its White Paper, and listened to a YouTube interview several times with the founders Dan (@dantheman) and Ned (@Ned), I decided that this was the most amazing use of blockchain technology that has ever been implemented. I was mesmerized by its ingenuity and depth.

This encouraged me to create a video exploring how the platform would revolutionize the anarchist's pursuit of global freedom. In the video, I briefly analyzed the platform, provided an introduction to its native cryptocurrencies, and then expressed my vision for how anarchists could leverage this unique spin on blockchain technology.

I did not expect this to happen quickly, but after I uploaded the video, Jeff watched it and he made a post about it and referenced my work. Between my own marketing of the video and Jeff's larger influence, the anarchist community exploded in enthusiasm for Steem. All the major figures in the community migrated to the platform almost overnight and my video went from 100 views to over 1,400.

Big names like Barry Cooper, Luis Fernando Mises, Amanda Rachwitz, Ian Freeman, Rob Hustle, Luke Z Rudkowski, Derrick Broze, John Vibes, and many more took the platform by storm.

In all honestly, I had never really seen mass adoption on this scale, and I am proud that I was able to create something that helped propel the anarchist community over to this beautiful platform. And I believe, this accomplishment has inched us closer to realizing our dreams of a freer society.

Here is the video:


Not Just to Accumulate Wealth; Ready for a Steemy Romance?

Needless to say, I am stoked about all the possibilities of this platform, and I am privileged to be here with you. I know that nothing is guaranteed for the future, and that this application could prove "to good to be true," as many critics have cynically pointed out. But I intend on leveraging all of my contacts and energy in order to popularize Steemit and get as many people on board as possible.

I hope that every one of us can move forward with this goal—not only to accumulate wealth—but to create the society we yearn for, which includes the principles of free market economics, sweat equity, escape from government coercion, individual liberty, heartfelt compassion, and collaborative and transparent relationships.

The future is now and the crypto-technology cat is out of the proverbial bag. I am happy to get to know all of you and share in all of the beautiful content we are going to create for the world. And hopefully, now that we have built enough rapport to enjoy intimacy and closeness together, we can hit sheets and enjoy a Steemy romance.

Love and Freedom

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