Hello, I'm surfknasen! (Late introduction post)


(Me to the left in the picture. This is the only one I have on my computer right now :P)

Hello, people on the internet!

I’m a teenager from Sweden. Like many people, I have big dreams. There is a lot I want to do and one of those things is writing fiction, so that is what I will be doing here on my Steem blog. I might do some other posts sometimes, but I don’t know what that'd be yet… So expect mostly fantasy fiction from me!

Alright… so what do I like to do in my spare time? Well, the list would be huge, but one other thing that I spend a lot of time doing is programming. I started programming two years ago when I got an Arduino on my birthday (an Arduino is an electronics prototyping platform). With my Arduino, I built an auto-shooting catapult for a school project, which was very fun! I did some other smaller things with it as well. After that, I went on to learn how to make computer games. I spent a year on learning, and half a year on a mobile game that I have now published on Google Play which is nearing 10,000 downloads!

Well, enough of the programming talk…

So, surfknasen, why did you start writing fiction? Simply put, I just enjoy it, that’s all I can say. I’ve always read a lot and like creating stories in my head. For a long time, I’ve just been lazy and never got to writing. One day I discovered this site (~20 days ago), and I realized I could write and post fiction to an audience here. I immediately started writing on a story that I’ve had in my mind for a while, but I wasn’t really happy with it so I didn’t write a part two. I instead wrote some short stories as practice and then started posting my new serial, The Unburnt Ranger. After posting the second one I discovered @thewritersblock (discord server) and got incredible feedback and advice on how to improve my writing and the part 3 of that serial!

Well, that's what I've got to say about myself.

If you’ve got any questions or anything, ask away.

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