I Am Starting my Steemit Journey

Today I begin my Steemit journey. I  am here because of my friend @MonaJam. She's among those beautiful souls in the world who always look out for others, and are always ready to give a helping hand that's why I feel honored to call her friend. Thank you Mum.

Now, a little bit about me.

My weirdness include having to sleep with a fan running at all times, even in the winter months. 

I have always been a night owl.  While most people love the long days of spring and summer, I absolutely love and enjoy the longer quiet nights of fall and winter. 

My favorite time of the day is dusk, there's a stirring and stillness that happen simultaneously that is so entrancing. There's nothing more beautiful than the slow dance of a red sunset sky and an emerging full moon penetrating the shadows of dusk while fireflies flutter in the air. Simply poetic and magical! 

My favorite season is autumn.

My favorite poet: Pablo Neruda.

My favorite book: Don Quijote de la Mancha.

I love music, I can't live without it. My music taste spans many genres, from classical to pop, R&B, reggae, West Indian calypso, boleros, salsa Mexican rancheras.  Oh, and I love marching band music especially John Philip Sousa's. Weird, uh? :) 

I love Hagen Daaz Vanilla Ice cream and, I am so disappointed that they discontinued Macadamia Nut Brittle which was my second favorite. 

The most disgusting food for me is oatmeal porridge. I don't like the color or how it looks and even worse is how it feels in my mouth. Eeeew! 

My biggest phobias are spiders and waterbugs.

I am a super fan of Michael Jackson, he has had such a positive impact in my life. He was an extraordinary artist and an extraordinary humanitarian.  I miss him greatly so, when you see me change my profile picture for an avatar of MJ, you'll know why.  :) 

I am mostly active on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Here's my Facebook profile link in case you want to check me out: 


The motto I live by: 

Live and let live

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