Hi Steemit! I am Kinpatsu. 22 years old, I’m a cosplayer and artist from Johannesburg , South Africa and I’ve been cosplaying since October 2012. I’ve always been a huge fan of gaming and anime as well as art, I’ve been drawing from the time I knew how to pick up a pencil, so for me cosplay was a way to bring all the things I loved most together in a creative way
My achievements:
Kayle - 1st place in the costume creation category at rage 2015
Shyvana - 1st place in the Geek Fest cosplay competition 2015
Syndra - 2nd in the Gaming Category at Kin Con 2014
Jinx - 2nd in the Gaming Category at rage expo 2014
The support from Steemit means that I would be able to devote more of my time to cosplay and create new costumes and content much faster. It also means I’ll be able to spend more time creating more helpful content like cosplay tutorials as well as doing things like Q+A sessions in order to help other cosplayers with their own costume
when I found a version of Pentakill Katarina I had to do a cosplay of it!!
Original artwork
More of my Rengar cosplay from League of Legends
Here's a full photo of the costume unfortunately I had to take my shoe pieces off because they were getting a bit worn from climbing over rocks and stuff
this is my cosplay room a bit and hang some of my weapons up on the wall
And i need some new plans for the rest of the year!
-What characters do you guys think would suit me best?
-What characters would you like to see me do?
I don't know if i can share my links to follow my progress and see what im working on