Hello Steemit - My Introduction and Story

Hello Steemit World.


My name is Brennan and I have been observing this platform from the shadows over the last few days and I thought it was time that I introduce myself. In order to get a full understanding of who I am, you must understand the two sides of me that are in constant conflict each day. One half of me is doing everything I was told I should do growing up by my friends, family, and society as a whole. I worked hard in school so I could go to college. Once accepted to college I worked hard there so I could build a resume and get a job. Once I had my degree in hand I got a job with a well-respected company and have shown up every day for the last 5+ years to bring in a paycheck that will help me live a quality of life that I think most people in life would be happy with. While the story is cliché, it is everything that I was told growing up I should strive for. The problem is there is something inside of me that cannot be satisfied with this path.


This is where I introduce you to the other half of me. This is the half I want to communicate here on this platform as often as possible. This part of me wakes up at 4am every day to record a fantasy sports podcast for hundreds and sometimes 1,000+ listeners. This part of me will spend a weekend with nothing to do creating a video about the NBA and how I see the game rather than going out to have drinks at the local bar. This part of me wakes up every day excited to do what I love whether or not the revenue generated covers the cost of doing business. Of course I want this part of me to take over full-time but that would require it also provide the income needed to do so. I hope this platform is a start to that but my goal here is so much more.

Podcast Stats


I love sports and creating any kind of content around it. As I have searched this site I see that the sports content is lacking. Sure the daily competitions tend to get traction but the type of content I like to consume is more analytical and thought provoking. It will not happen overnight and it might not happen thanks to anything I do on here, but I hope that I am around to see Steemit become a platform where people can get high quality sports content. Part of me thinks the audience is not here yet and that doesn’t surprise me. With ESPN, Bleacher Report, Rotoworld, and all the other countless places to get sports content how would any average sports fan stumble upon a crypto blogging platform? I have done enough research to know that whether or not there is risk here on Steemit there is also immense opportunity and endless possibilities.

Youtube Stats


With all of this said I will leave you with my Steemit mission. I plan to create high quality sports content and find creative ways to drive traffic to that content and the platform as a whole. I understand the views might not be there right from the start. But if this platform grows there will be new eyeballs each day and hopefully those users love sports as much as I do. If it takes a long time to happen or never happens at all I hope to at least walk away from this a better content creator. The way I see it no time is wasted when you spend it doing what you love.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.

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