Hi I'm Jord and I Get Paid to Travel the World (and you can too..)

OK so I know the heading sounds like some sort of spam, but I promise you it's not.. just keep reading and I'll explain!

Hi Steemians!

My name is Jordan Simons and I've been travelling the world while working online for the past 3+ years. Now I want to show other people how to do the same!

Back in 2014 I sold most of my possessions, quit my job and began to travel – a bit cliché I know but that's just how it worked for me. I think having that definite moment of 'this is what I'm going to do and there's no going back' definitely helped to push me towards where I am now.



Since I originally decided to quit my job (Project Manager in IT in the UK, just in case you were wondering) there have been a lot of highs and lows. Here are some of the cliff-notes:

  • Ran out of money after the first 9 months and ended up broke.
  • Worked in Australia for 6 months on a working holiday visa to save money to travel again.
  • Decided I wanted to work online while travelling and came up with a strategy.
  • Lived in Asia for 1 & 1/2 years while learning to work online and growing my YouTube channel.
  • Now I earn a full-time income and get to do what I love!

Currently I'm living in Bucharest, Romania and have spent the last few months travelling around Europe and Canada.


How I Started Working Online

I began this journey by doing freelance web design and 'oddjobs' online (upwork, fiverr etc.). I had the initial goal of being able to earn $15 a day online (which by the way is easily achievable) as I knew that would pay for most living expenses in SouthEast Asia on a backpackers budget. I also still had the savings from Australia to keep myself going (and just in case).

I began working on my own blog and social media channels, documenting my personal experience of working online while travelling. After about 6 months of continued effort and learning, I was beginning to make some revenue from my YouTube channel so decided to do that full-time.


My Journey on YouTube

Over the last 2 years I've been using my YouTube Channel to document my travels, sometimes giving advice and sometimes just showing the beautiful places I'm in.

I've been lucky enough to be sponsored by top travel brands and have been given free & paid trips all over the world, earning up to $10000 for a single trip.

Here are examples of videos I've made:

I Love Photography

I've developed a passion for photography while I've been travelling and I post all my favourite images to my Instagram account. I never even owned a DSLR until 2 years ago and now I take it everywhere with me!


Hello Steemit!

So why am I telling you all this? I've used lots of social media channels in the past to share my experience and now I'd love to be part of the Steemit community!

I want to pass on all tips and tricks I've gained from my own experience to possibly help some of you on your own path. I'll be creating articles and videos, sharing everything I've learnt over the past few years!

To get us started, please let me know below if there's anything you'd like to know :)

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