An introduction epitomizing morsels of my reality


I am called Patrick on this plane.

In my early 20’s after college I chose (Yes, I chose it. I also choose not to be a victim to my experiences. That’s the glory of taking full responsibility for all of your actions.) to become addicted to narcotics. Heroin mostly, Cocaine and Crack, and anything else available too. Tons of alcohol along with all of it also. Sometimes a 30-pack of beer or bottle of liquor a day. I tried Methamphetamine once, and it was the worst experience of my entire life, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, so that never repeated. But shooting “Speedballs” (Heroin+Cocaine Injections) was my drug of choice, besides the fact that I almost overdosed a few times. I also heavily abused MDMA in the form of Ecstacy (cut with an amphetamine usually), taking as many as 10 pills a night, after using Heroin and Cocaine (This combination reduces the effectiveness of MDMA, just FYI), and sometimes prescription pills like Xanax, Ambien, etc., all stacked.

Around the end of 2010 I quit all of it, cold turkey. I spent about a week thrashing myself in bed unable to sleep and in excruciating pain from the heroin withdrawals. I still continued smoking cigarettes after that for a couple years, but ultimately eliminated that as well.

It was a miserable experience, but I decided to do it on my own, primed and empowered to create my life according to my design after listening to an audio series named “Your Wish Is Your Command” by Kevin Trudeau. Regardless of what anyone may have heard or think about the individual media creator, or his legal proceedings, none of it changes the facts in this story; that this particular personal development CD series empowered me to change my entire life on my own, without the intervention of anyone or anything else. This series is centered upon one major basic principle: That you are a creator, that you and only you are 100% responsible for everything that happens in your life, be it good or bad. When I first heard this concept vocalized, the experience was nostalgic as if I was remembering it, rather than learning it for the first time.

This is the pivotal moment that permanently altered the course of my physical existence.

I did not go to rehab or AA/NA, and I never would. I understand there are people who have gone through these processes and seen the benefit of overcoming their addiction. That’s great, I embrace that. But I still ask the question, are you a powerful, free, dynamic human being? Or are you still a slave to your addiction, constantly battling “the addiction” and forever feeling like a “recovering addict”? The first and foremost aspect of their psychologically destructive process is to have you admit that you “are powerless against your addiction.” You’re powerless? What’s the point of living then? Personally I would rather not be alive if I have to live with feeling powerless for my entire life. The first thing I recommend to anyone in a similar situation is to proclaim emphatically quite the opposite: “MYSELF, only I have COMPLETE power over my addiction, and everything in my life.” Realize the Divinity that resides dormant within you, and there is nothing in this physical plane that can challenge you when you put your mind to the task. As Napoleon Hill says, “Anything the mind of mind can conceive, and bring itself to believe, it can achieve.”

I consciously flipped my focus 180 degrees from the drowning experience of narcotics indulgence, to the empowering experience of pursuing a journey of natural health and wellness, and accomplishment in Entrepreneurship and business, and I have never looked back or thought twice. Do I consider myself a “recovering addict?” Nope, not even close. The thought has never even crossed my mind to return to that lifestyle, because I physically rewired the neuropathways in my brain by taking complete responsibility for everything in my life, rather than feeling consumed by woe is me, I’m just a ship without a rudder getting tossed around by the waves.

My goal that I set as a child was that I would be a millionaire by 30. Recently, I turned 30 without achieving that goal. Well, technically anyways. The goal was $1,000,000 liquid cash, and I only have that with cumulative investments, equity positions in companies, and other vehicles that are not technically “liquid.” In the process, I’ve discovered an interesting phenomenon with setting goals and defining dreams.

When I first started defining my dreams and goals in my adult life, it was a small list, and it was all material. Mansions, yachts, exotic cars, private jets, Rolex watch and Armani suits. Clean-cut prime example of “Success,” right?

Wrong, as I soon realized. After a few years of focusing on those dreams, I realized the mental experience of having achieved them, and what freaked me out the most, was that I didn’t even want any of that stuff. What I was searching for was actually an experience, an emotion. I thought all this “stuff” would satisfy that desire, but I was way off.

What I realized I was searching for was the emotion and the experience of freedom and sovereignty, to be able to go anywhere I desire, do anything I desire, live anywhere I desire, anytime I desire. No restrictions. The “stuff” didn’t define this experience, it was my limited perception of what that experience would entail.

Today, I have complete freedom, regardless of what is going on in the world or around me. I may not have a $25,000,000 mansion, exotic cars like Bugati Veyron, Yachts, or Private Jets, but my desires have evolved far beyond that. A 20 bedroom house? That means a lot of employees to upkeep it! And for what purpose? Am I actually going to utilize any of that nonsense? What practical use do I have for such an overkill? Now, I would much prefer some remote land with plenty of water supply with a simple homestead that is completely free of overhead. And a starship for long distance space exploration. Today, I can live anywhere in this world that I want. I am not bound by restrictions of where I work or have attachment to. I haven’t found anywhere that I’m willing to commit to for longer than a year at a time, but currently, I choose to reside in Acapulco, Mexico. Ultimately, I did achieve the dream I set when I was a child, because it wasn’t the physical money I ended up actually wanting. I only wanted the money because I falsely presumed that the money was necessary in order to achieve the freedom and soverignty, which is what I realized underneath it all my deepest desire was in reality.

I’m an ex-pat that left the USSA (The United Soviet States of America) and I renounce any and all affiliation and support of the fascist imperialistic regime that parades a facade of democratic freedom, though I retain my citizenship and visa status in order to travel freely. I now dedicate my life and resources to creating Peace, Love and Anarchy across this earth while I’m present, so that when I decide to leave, it’s a better place than when I arrived (in my perception at least).

If you believe in or fear death, it certainly will come to greet you. I do not believe in “death” as a necessity or ultimatum, per se. I will ascend when I make the decision to do so. Until then, I am present on this plane. I spent many years disgusted with humanity; the aggression in the forms of war, hate and destruction so prevalent.

So in response now instead I put forth effort to apply the Non-Aggression Principle (Personally I equate NAP simply to the expression of love; Remember, love thy neighbor? That’s NAP.) in all aspects of my own life, though I am nowhere near perfect.
I do not consume the flesh of any conscious beings because I am acutely aware of the pain and suffering contained in the flesh becoming a part of me once consumed. The last time I consumed meat was about 4 years ago, and eliminating it from my diet was not something I put any conscious effort into doing. I simply woke up one day and realized this epiphany, and ever since have never found animal products appetizing. Meat is not food to me, it’s simply an animate object like a table or chair, both of which I do not consume for sustenance either.

I grew up in a form of fundamentalist Christianity, which disturbed me deeply and drove me into Militant Atheism for many years. Now, I have achieved a place that resonates in perfect harmony with me individually. I pursue a path of self-guided spirituality and study of the Cosmic. I am a member of the Rosicrucian Order and the study of mysticism, and practices of meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi are an integral part of my life. The study of mysticism has nothing to do with secret societies, sacrifices, rituals or NWO domination. It is a path of self-realization of the god within. It is a process of realizing that in reality there is no such thing as intrinsic “good” or “bad” or “positive” or “negative.” There simply is. It’s the perception of the three dimensional observer that attributes polarity to what is being observed. Developing the ability to discern this difference ultimately leads to personal bliss regardless of the situation or circumstances you find yourself in.

I am here joining all of you because I believe Blockchain technology is the future of the evolution of humanity. Social Media giants of today are rampant with censorship, privacy invasion and advertising. The only people making money off it are the social media giants, not the content creators who actually deserve it. Decentralized, immutable sharing of information worldwide instantly is necessary for us to evolve to higher level functionality. Steemit is achieving this and my hope is to contribute however I can to increase the rate of mainstream adoption and migration from traditional social media outlets, and I can only achieve this through first being the example. I am also interested in hearing what all of you have to share as well. Together, I am confident we will create a “better” (In my perception) world than what we have ended up with today.

In addition, sharing my earthly experiences with you is driven by my desire that it will benefit you on your journey in some way, that a seed will be planted in your mind that flourishes as an epiphany leading to your own ultimate bliss. Only then will this world become filled peace and love.

If you have any questions or are interested in discussion, please don’t be shy. What I have personally gained from my experiences is priceless to me, I’m grateful for everything I have created thus far, and I take 100% responsibility for creating everything in my life whether my perception of it is “good” or “bad" in the moment. I welcome your input.

Peace Profound,

Risk Management Disclaimer: I do not recommend ever experimenting with narcotics such as Heroin or Methamphetamine. They offer no medicinal or consciousness expanding benefits, and are extremely damaging and limiting to your evolution as a human. I do, however, recommend and endorse the appropriate use of consciousness expanding psychedelics/medicine, such as Psylocibin, LSD, DMT, Ayahuasca and Cannabis. The contents of this post are to be considered fictitious and only potentially based on real events of people that may or may not have been mentioned in this post, but in no way should be interpreted as an admission of guilt regarding the violation of any laws in any country aforementioned. Nothing in this post should be considered medical advice, financial advice, tax advice, or any other form of practicing medical, financial, or tax advice without the required licenses in the appropriate country or jurisdiction the events may or may not be purported to have occurred in. By reading this post, you agree that any information extracted or used from this post is at your own discretion and your own risk.

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