Hi Steemit, I'm travellingThor nice to meet you!

Hello fellow Steemians,

My name is Laurens (22) and I live in The Netherlands. You could describe me a student Fysioterapist starting upcoming summer, but by heart I'm a traveller/nature freak. My Steemit name is based on the nickname (Thor) my friends gave me during my journey in Australia two years ago combined with the passion for travelling.

(picture taken at the Cottesloe Beach pier)

I'm fascinated by nature, culture, the capabilities of the human body and food. On this profile I'll mainly share pictures made while travelling and tips and tricks I've learned myself to help other Steamians explore the world and all of it's beauty.
Before anything else I'll share the one thing that everybody needs in this world 11709221_10207465099295919_2044957588515723347_n.jpg

If you find these topics interesting follow my journey around the world!!
To get to know my fellow Steemians better i have a question for you; Where are you guys from and what is the most beautiful place you have ever visited

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