Introducing Myself... a Big Hello from Portugal!

I have been here for a few months, having joined last year, but I only got active since February this year. I'm taking this opportunity to make my introduction post. (For the second time, since the my first attempt was a big fail - for reasons I won't address here...)

Who Am I...?

I work as a Software Developer and I'm trying to learn По-русски (Russian.) I have been using Duolingo for that, and that's a 100% Free App that I recommend to anyone interested in learning a language.

I love to travel... and I also like cats.

I enjoy living and visiting places that aren't crowded. My experience has shown me that more people usually translates into more problems, more risks... and less hospitality.

What do I like to share?

I usually post photos from my travels... art from artists I like (or that I've just learnt about...) and from time to time, a videoclip - probably a Metal Music video from a lesser known band - 'cause I don't think there's any point in advertising dinosaur names that everybody already knows.

Interest for Art...

I also like art, being specially attracted by Street Art like Graffiti. When they're well done, they're really amazing. You can find great artworks, from Portugal...


... to Amsterdam...


... to China:


The above photos are all my own.

Love for Music...

You can say that Music is my bride. It has always accompanied me and never let me down.

  • Whenever I'm happy, I listen to Music;
  • If I'm down or feeling a bit depressed, I turn to Music to cheer me up;
  • Whenever I go out for a walk, Music will come with me;
  • If I'm going to spend hours stuck inside a plane, a bus or a train... You can bet I'll be listening to some Music...

Metal is not the only thing I listen to, but it's about 85%. I also enjoy Jazz, Soul, World Music, some Fado and some Alternative Rock... but I always return to Metal.

My preferred bands, regardless of the style, have one thing in common: a Female Vocalist. Why? Who knows, for sure? It's a personal taste, I simply prefer to listen to a woman singing... whatever the style might be.

I am crazy enough about Music... to schedule a vacation in Chisinau, Moldova, just to see Infected Rain:


Jinjer has quickly become one of my favourite bands, and I've went to Madrid to see them live... twice! Check them out... and prepare to have your mind blown:

This is me with Steffi Garcia, vocalist from the Spanish band [IN MUTE], after one of their shows:

That's all for now.

PS 1: I have been using two free bot services to add a little more visibility to my posts: @banjo & @cleverbot . There's also @witzbot, but this guy only answers in German. Hopefully, I'll get enough activity on my blog to stop using these bots and free their services so they can help newest members.

PS 2: I have a brother living in Hong Kong who's a photography fan! He joined SteemIt a little later than I did... Please check out his blog, too: @fcdvpds

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