My Steemit Intro

  Hi fabulous Steemit community, it seems I’ve put the cart before the horse and posted before I’ve introduced myself! Well, in the interests of following the protocols (something I’m totally all about) here is a little bit about me.   I was born and raised in the beautiful, but tumultuous, South Africa. After hubby and I married and had our gorgeous daughter (or Princess, as she is more commonly known at home), we grabbed at a work-opportunity in Australia. Nine years later we’re still here and are basking in the sunshine that is Perth. I mean who wouldn’t love having access to a beach like this any time they wanted?   

So I’m a wife and mum of one (hence the display name). I’m a Technical Writer by trade, which regularly takes me on an IT journey of discovery, and tests my patience daily, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love to travel, and my recent foray into trading in cryptocurrency is largely driven by the fact that I need buckets of money so that I can travel more!!, and the fact that Princess is a very talented designer and would like to study a Bachelor of Design next year, preferably in the UK – whaaaaat??! Recent drawing (by said Princess) of Piazza Navona in Rome, which we had the extraordinary privilege of visiting last year.   

Other than that, besides my love of reading all things written (oh, and the occasional glass of wine), there’s not much more to tell without boring you all to tears. A last quick mention of our final family member; I would call him our fur-baby, but he’d probably give me one of his famous withering looks for that one, so I’ll just call him FOMO (fear of missing out) instead. He’s a beautiful Ragdoll who totally rules the house; we fawn over him like he’s some sort of Egyptian God, and he occasionally rewards us with a head-butt (if we’re really good). He has to know every single thing that’s going on in the house, hence his nickname, so he’s always underfoot – but his motto regarding petting is “you can look, but don’t touch”.   

I hope that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship! Until next time… 

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