Hello friend! ..from a Photographer and Crypto enthusiast..

      I’m v0nd, I’m in my twenties and I live in Europe. I decided to join this community due to my immense interest in cryptocurrencys and when I first heard abou the concept of Steemit, I became extremly excited.

      It has been a day so far and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I have already met a few members of this community who provided me with a heart-warming welcome! It was tremendous. Special shoutout to @thatsweeneyguy for all of his advice and kind words!

So what am I going to be doing with my blog? Well, my 2 topics of focus are going to be: crytocurrencies and photography. But I am also very interested in talking about various topics ranging from geopolitics to poetry.

I see beautiful things in the horizon.

I’ll leave a couple of photos here so you can get familiar with some of my photography work! I will have miniseries about various topics like i did with nature on my 2nd blog post, Spring Shoot #1.

But without any further delay,

I hope I can continue engaging with various members in this community and possibly develop friendships that last.

On a final note I want to leave this quote here as it describes very well how I am starting to feel more and more about our community!

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community.. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations of others, for their sakes and for our own.” -Cesar Chavez

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