Introducing my dog Mr Zeus


What's up Steemers??? I would like to introduce my dog Zeus to you all :)

Mr Zeus is half Staffy, half Australian cattle dog and is now very land cow shaped... He will be 11 years old this month.


I got Zeus as a rescue dog when he was already 3 years old.

When I first got him he was very protective of our yard and would kill anything that would enter. I had to bury a number of possums as he would eat their head and leave the rest for me as a present at the back door. Which is a nice gesture but possum isn't something I like to eat.


He is now a lot more chilled out and hangs out with the chickens which is a huge difference than when he was younger


Zeus LOOOVVVESSS car rides. It has to be the number one thing in the world that makes him happy.


He also loves to dress up after I have had a couple of drinks and act out his alter egos

you know its a good Wednesday night when "Mad Z Swagger Ritz" is in the HOUSE!!!

I had the pleasure to hang out with 5 times Australian sprint car champ, the one and only bobby Sawyer the other night. what a top bloke.

Licence and registration meooww

He loves walks in the forest but his camouflage isn't the best.


Zeus is also a big fan of spilt beer, he always licks it up. And keeps an eye out for my passed out mates.


His favourite show to watch is what are other people eating???? (he likes to watch )


The number one thing Zeus hates is getting his nails trimmed. It is an absolute nightmare taking him to the vet to do it because there is now way in hell he would let me do it! So I have to give him valium before we go to the vet, put a muzzle on him and it's still a huge fight. haha I have to hold him and he bucks around carrying on like I am trying to kill him. One particular time he jumped up around shoulder height against the wall and I'm holding him up there and looked at the vet and said " This isn't very normal is it?"

But once the ordeal is over and we get him out of the vet room he is all good and back to his happy self. But for me it is just as traumatic so a beer is always in order when we get home.

The second thing Zeus hates is water and waves. When we had the pool in the backyard we all were jumping in and carrying on, Zeus would run up and down the pool edge barking at us being the fun police. And when we are at the beach I have to drag him to the shore line but when a wave comes he runs away from it haha just like little kids do.

Zeus has had some brushes with fame. He once appeared on a Melbourne pet food add. And appeared on the front page of the worlds largest rollerblading website most rollerbladers would kill to get their face on the front page of that website!


I am very grateful to have spent the past 8 years with Zeus he is my best mate and my shadow. Since I work from home he is like my work colleague as well. Everyday he will make me laugh in some way ... Here's to some more great years to come.


Also check out @supernovastaffy As she is currently running a #dogsofsteemit competition . you can check out more info on the comp right here -->

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