Hello Steemit People All Over The World!

This is me…NOT!

This is me... NOT!

I'm so happy and honored to be part of this Steemit Community that I just want to hug @orangila right now because he is the reason I am here! Hugging @orangila who tries to run for his life!

This is me...

NO. This is me.

Of course, this is the part where I am writing my first post to introduce myself to the Steemit Community. So I’ll try to be a goodie goodie as I have always been. I will try not to go crazy like Mister @orangila here. So here is my attempt to intro myself. Please don’t run away. sobs

Howdie folks! My name is Victor. Surname:Oh. Middle name: John WI..AHEM. Chinese name: Jian Shi. My Chinese name means ‘building poems’. It does make much sense if you do continue getting to know me. I am in my late 30s. I think. But I’m still a very high school kid at heart. I’m a virgin and will stay a virgin until I get married. Word has it that I will be finding a bride in 2019. How is still a question that I am trying hard to seek answers from God to help me solve the riddle.

It was only yesterday that I found out that sperm quality takes a nose dive at 40. I am 37 this June, so that leaves me with 3 years to make babies.

Here are the calculations. If I were to get married next year by 38, I have 2 years to make babies and that will mean a maximum of 2 kids for my family, if we are hardworking enough.


My plan is to… ok. I will stop right here. My plans are private and confidential. But I have plans. Plans are always good. So stay tuned while the story unfolds.

Currently, I am a Masters student in Communications. I will be graduating this December 21st. Then I will be going to Vancouver and I will… ok. I have to keep my plans very secret…

Anyway… how did I end up doing my Masters? I am a writer. A struggling writer who can’t afford to even buy myself a wife. Go figure.

Anyway… I was a freelancer for awhile, bills were getting harder and harder to pay. One day, I came across this lecturer in MOOC ( Massive Online Open Course) which taught at Taylor’s. I grabbed my car keys and rushed here in hopes that I would be able to study under her. To my dismay, she was not here anymore. But I thought I could teach as my main job and write by the side. That would pay my bills and keep myself properly fed just like my mom wants.

I enrol in the course and I guess all is history. I will be getting my Masters soon and then I will become a full time Steemit blogger hoping to amass a fortune for me to get married in 2019, have 2 beautiful babies and live happily ever after.

Don’t worry. I am sane and dreaming too big here. So please excuse me for being too crazy. I know what is real and what is not.

All dreams for my future is to be kept private and confidential. @orangila will know my plans but please don’t tell anyone. Secrets must remain secrets.

I will continue to write. This blog of mine will be everything about writing. I will try my best to put up all the goodies about writing, teach writing, eat writing and poop writing.

My world will now be revolving around this world called the SteemIt Writing World of Victor Holy O.

Why am I called Holy O?

Because I’m Catholic and I pray 7 times a day????

Believe it!

Thanks for stumbling upon my Intro post.

I’m looking forward to beautiful days with you and Steemit.

Have a nice day and God bless!

Victor Holy O

Oh! I play all Xbox, Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4, I am massive Apple fan, die hard music lover, Bath And Body Works is my thing, plays badminton like a pro, drinks too much coffee and wishes that I can marry a superstar. I read coz I have lots of books. I wish I can read more. Nuf Said. Please welcome me to the family! I go to church every Sunday too and other days as well….K. Thx. Bye.

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