My introduction

Hey there! Vidfix here, I am a remote broadcast engineer in the United States and have been for the last 20 years. I have worked some pretty awesome shows all over the U.S. and Canada including : The World Series, The Superbowl, The Winter Olympics, Stanley cup, NBA finals, The Masters, and many, many regular season games of most sports both pro and college.

This is me on a plane. (I believe going from Detroit to Baltimore)

When I'm not working, I also like to play video games, though I have been playing them for a long time, I'm still pretty much a nub though I have fun doing it. I'm also a fan of playing disc golf again I'm not great at it. 

This was earlier this year at a place called Wickham Park in Hartford CT.

Anyhow I look forward to checking out a lot of Steemit over the new year. I hope it turns out to be a great one for all.

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