Hello! I'm Trevor and this is 'Little Bender Dog's Road to Recovery'

Hi Steemit!

My name is Trevor and I live in Los Angeles with my two dogs, Bender and Doc Holliday. 

I guess I wanted to start a blog about my current situation, mainly as means of a therapeutic vent, but also, I figure there must be others out there who have experienced something like this and may have some words of encouragement or advice. 

A few weeks back, Bender had to have emergency surgery on his back to repair two discs that had slipped and were compressing his spinal cord causing him to lose communication with his hind legs. Due to his spinal cord only being compressed and not entirely damaged, we are optimistic that he will regain most, if not all, of his mobility.

It has been quite a struggle for us both so far, but he has been making some solid progress so far because, well, he's a tough little bastard. To be honest, he's been handling it far better than I have.

Anyway, this is just kind of an introduction to my Bender Blog here and since I am starting from the beginning, it will take a few posts to get caught back up to real time, but I hope you enjoy following his progress and please feel free to share any words of wisdom or encouragement, and I will definitely pass them along to the little guy.



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