Hello Steemit!

Hello Steemit! Here's my story.

1. How I invented Steemit ;)

It all started with my big disappointment in Facebook which in the course of several years managed to separate content creators from their readers and then started charging the former to reconnect to the latter. After becoming increasingly interested in blockchain, I’ve got the idea: what if facebook likes were a cryptocurrency? What if we were paid directly by our readers and then could use those money to support other bloggers and promote quality content instead of cat pics? I asked a friend who is deep into cryptocurrencies if such a project already exists and he pointed me to Steem.

2. My story and what I do

I early fell in love with culture, art, and wisdom. Throughout my life I studied applied mathematics, philosophy, and graphic design. Currently I make websites. For the last several years I live in a small historic town together with my wife Helen and our seven children.

3. How could I contribute?

I will try several directions:

  • Help those who wish to improve oneself, increase productivity or make a life transition like career changing.
  • Share some of my long-standing design / visual arts experience.
  • Post about philosophy and thinking, religion and mystics, languages, history and other areas of my personal interest.

Let me know what topics you personally find the most interesting and which Steemians to follow in these areas!

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