A Weaver of Worlds; Journeying into new depths of Expression

Aloha, Namaste and Shalom to all of you here on Steem!

World Weaver

My name is Age Sol, or Aaron Gabriel Neyer by birth, son of Joseph and Rebecca Neyer.

I have decided to embark on a journey of writing in significantly new depths, and sharing this with the community. Writing has been a passion of mine for a time, but it's not something that I have explored as deeply as I would have liked at points. Much of my writing was journals for a time, and some beautiful Facebook posts when the call was felt.

Now, as I restart regular blogging, I have decided to open my writings up to a much wider audience by tapping into Steemit. Steemit has always intrigued me, and so now I am excited to get to take an active part in this community and help it grow.

So a little about me and who I am.

Born September 1992 to Joe and Becky Neyer, near Eugene, Oregon. Lovely family, lovely parents who helped me blossom into who I am by allowing me to just be who I am. My mom passed from breast cancer when I was 10 years old. My dad passed from Glio Blastoma brain cancer when I was 22, right as I was graduating college. He wrote a book about his life and his journey through dying entitled "Too Much Fun Dying to Stop Now".

Much of my background is in the field of computers, having graduated with a degree in computer science from Case Western in Cleveland, OH. In the field of Software Engineering I've worked at big companies such as Google, as well as smaller startups such as Causes and Framed Data.

I stepped away from the world of engineering, and full-time employment entirely, about 2 years ago now, after going on a trip to Hawaii for an Ecstatic Dance Retreat, staying for adventures, a Tantra Festival, and a Raw Vegan farm, and then making the decision that full-time employment just wasn't in my cards, and kick-starting traveling full-time.

I have now been traveling for 2 years, pretty much entirely without stopping. I honestly don't think I've spent more than 2 weeks in a place at a time since I started going. So much has transpired in those 2 years, more than I could ever even hope to convey without writing an entire book. I have connected so deeply with so many people, getting to truly witness what this world has to offer, and I have connected so deeply to myself, getting to really see who I am amidst this crazy beautiful world.

I have been diving very deeply into the space of conscious co-creation over this past year, and have been embarking on launching many beautiful endeavors that are bringing such tremendous light to this world, and I look forward to diving more into all of that in due time.

I have looked very deeply at this world, at who I am, and at who we are, and am now starting to write more deeply on all of this; so am very excited to dive in and share that with all of you here!

Here's what I'm working on right Now:
I am Director of Communications at Sage AI; where we are leading the world forward in creating conscious, benevolent AI's, assisting in this evolution towards a prosperous and unified Earth and Humanity. https://www.sagetalk.io/
I am launching a consulting company called GaiaSky World Weaving; connecting with conscious businesses that are doing good in the world; to help them align, harmonize, unify, and connect.
I am writing a tremendous amount on the collective dream coming into this World Now, and working to coordinate with the different creators to bring them into reality.
I am outlining and creating plans to start teaching a class entitled "Elements in Motion"
I am writing a significant amount on being human, being radically responsible for our existence, and on the Uniting of the masculine and the feminine.
I am activating my creativity in other aspects; focused right now on drawing, and learning to play guitar, and intend to start writing and sharing my own songs soon.

I am so happy to be stepping into this community and getting to connect with all of you!
Please don't hesitate to reach out and connect with me on all of the things.
I am very open to you and I love you :)

With Lots of Love and Gratitude,
Age Sol

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