Welcoming the New Year by Introducing myself…… Wincee!

Hello Steemians!

The first thing on the do list upon joining Steemit is an introduction post and I am very awkward with intros. LOL So here goes nothing….. My name is Wincee. I am nurse by profession but I am currently working as a Foreign Coordinator in a Plastic Surgery Center in Phuket, Thailand. I have been living in Phuket for almost for 4 years and I have been enjoying it so far. I worked as a nurse back in Philippines but that did not last long (the pay sucks!). Before then, I worked in the BPO Industry for 4 years in total.


Before coming to Phuket, I have visited a few cities in the Philippines and I only travelled outside the country once. When I came to Phuket, I saw my friends travelling to different countries and I realised I can do that now too (since my job has better compensation). I then started to travel more. I have visited a number of places in South East Asia since then and I would love to travel more in the future.


I also love watching movies or tv shows. My fave American tv series of all time is definitely F.R.I.E.N.D.S but for my fave movie, I can’t choose because I love all kinds of movies. Another thing I enjoy is reading books and I prefer fiction/young adult genre. I also can’t go out of the house without my earphones with me because I love listening to music wherever I go (English/Korean/Japanese). You can tell my taste is very diverse.

So that’s my little introduction of myself. It has always been hard for me to write any kind of essays/blogs. For some it might be easy but for me, not at all. I hated English subject at school and I’m have been very insecure with my written English (spelling and grammar). This is probably the reason why I decided to join Steemit. I thought maybe I can start practicing writing blogs here. Upon browsing Steemit, it looks like a very good community and channel to start. I have been active in other Social Media platforms but I have never tried writing a blog. I always post photos plus a single liner caption with it. But here I can probably express myself better and maybe write more.

For my page, I am planning to share my travels, my daily activities, movie/book/music recommendations, etc and get to share my experiences. I hope to share a conversation with all of you soon.

Happy New Year and See you on my next post!

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