My Steemit Kickoff: A Journey in Finding My Niche.

#Blogging has always been a wandering thought to me.
This is because I have always loved quite a few things.

Songs and who they’re for
Arts & DIYs!
Science and every matter’s existence
Fashion, preferably Styling
Writing and how to be a Manga-Ka!
But also be as glorious as J.K. Rowling.
Fitness (Well nah I just wanna get slimmer)
Skin care
Photography, video editing.
And several more etcetera

Well, that is quite a “few” many.

[Photo below: "Looking from Behind." (Edited in VSCO)]
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You see I once read that if you’re starting your own blog - You need to find your niche.
But what is a “Niche”?

A Niche is your Calling, a Function, a Vocation.

It is something that interests you so much, you will not mind getting paid or not. Something you’d like to keep on learning and discovering. Something you can be so earnest about that’ll keep you way late at night more than your telephone calls with bae. Something, that can make you both smile and teary as it had given you quite a feeling you’d wanna treasure for a while.

That “Something” had been already experienced by me, but in too many different occasions.

I belong to a mini Multimedia creatives team in which, we don’t get paid much but we continue as long as we take pics and edit videos. I did get into Calligraphy since last year and had bought too many pens & papers, and even attended a workshop to learn. Thanks to social media, I have quite stayed late at night when editing my posts as well as reading science passages or skin care blogs. And just quite recently, it’s been a while since I last felt this attached to a Manga after reading Hirunaka no Ryuusei (Daytime Shooting Star), and I honestly recommend reading this if you want some real feels.

[Photo below: "Stepping Forward." (Edited in VSCO)]
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As you can read, I am an extremely affectionate person, that gets too easily attached when interested. (Well considering my personal relationships, I can finally say that.)

But as Adulting comes and gave me a slap, I realised this will not always be a good ground.
As the saying goes,

You cannot chase two rabbits at once; Otherwise you’ll catch neither of them.

This piqued me that I need to find my strength. My Real Strength. That I should be a Master of at least one, and not just a Jack of anything. This is the ultimate must, for us to have that big break, that life changing divine intervention.

The ONE THING to make the World know who you are, and what you can be.

Just like how Bill Gates was known for Microsoft;
Or how Anne Hathaway made us laugh at Princess Diaries;
And how Mark Zuckerberg definitely changed this age.

[Photo below: "Waving through." (Edited in VSCO)]
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And so, I am now posting here at Steemit and starting this own blog;

To define that really matters is to taking a step and making the start.
To share these experiences and all the randomness that pops in my life and hoping that later on, through these acts of beginning, I may finally cut the chase, and find where to rest my head at.

The same goes for you Reader, and may this journey be ours together.


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