Ylich, a latin singer with a Russian accent (A delayed self-introduction)

Two months ago I wrote my self-introduction in Spanish, but I think it's now the best moment to write it in English, since I have new goals and a new concept about what should I write about, who I'll write for and why...

Thought might as well upload a picture as it should be for all new steemians!

Ylich El Ruso

About me

My name is Ylich Orsini a.k.a. El Ruso (the Russian), I'm a Venezuelan singer, musician, composer, arranger and producer. Although I started singing and playing music at very young age my first performance as soloist was at age 12. A part of my youth (7 years) I spent in Germany and Russia where my father was working. That's why I speak german (was almost my mother tongue) and russian. My nickname "El Ruso" (by this name am I known in the Caracas night life) is also related to this. Coincidentally, my real name is Russian too.

Ylich primera actuacion 001.jpg

My first time singing as soloist in the city of Erfurt in Germany (GDR) 1972, at the age of twelve.

For 35 year I've been leading the group Los Cañoneros, which is a mandatory reference when talking about Venezuelan music and specifically the music of Caracas. In that group I started professionally and I am there as singer, arranger, composer, cuatro player and conductor. By november 1982, I had to make a choice between Rock and Cañonera music, I chose the hard way (because, believe it or not, in Venezuela is much harder to be a Folk musician than a Rockstar).

As a composer the first song that I wrote was for this group and it was also the title to the first album of the group "El Besaor".

Apart from this group, I have always performed parallel musical activities, as arranger, producer, musicalization teacher, etc. that have led me also to the management of groups like Desorden Público. However, the main area that I have developed is that of arranger. Among my most recent works are several arrangements that I made for the album (and later for the show) by Carlos Poletto, better known as El Otro Polo. One of those themes arranged by me is "Ofrenda".

New trails

I am currently with a new project, in which I go as singer and it is called "Russia with Latin Feeling". It is a repertoire of Russian songs (sung in Russian) brought to Latin rhythms, to the sound of salsa. Later I will tell everything about it.

I hope to build right here a fan base that supports this new project, make it a musical Steemit project with you!!!

For now you can follow me on Spotify and listen to the first single "Noches de Moscú - Подмосковные вечера " (Moscow nights) .

El Ruso

This is an ambitious project and it is in the beginning stage, as part of the repertoire that will integrate this project there is a theme that I covered in bolero rhythm. Of course for the recording goes with full orchestra, but I went ahead to make a homemade recording in a trio format of this song called "Темная ночь" (Dark Night) and it is a love song of a soldier who is on the front during the Second War World, remembering his beloved.

What, why , for who?

First of all I want to thank @vadimlasca for the invitation to join Steemit and pump me to write in English. To my friend @dorth and @bitrocker2020 for helping me trust in my English posts. To @misterakpan for her support. To @futurethinker at @Promo-mentors (Curie-training) for making me see what's inside Steemit and what means "good content".

A few days ago someone asked me on Discord, if I was a singer or a voice actor (because of my profile picture) and @carlgnash answered: "@Ylich is a legend! Singer / keyboard player" (Thank you too Carl). I don't think I'm a legend, but I know so many years at this career must have given me something to talk about, but not any master classes, not some boring speeches, just the day by day life of a musician, some nice experiences and the worldview since my eyes. That's what I want to share with you.

@anomadsoul wrote two weeks ago a must-read post Thoughts from an airport and with this one I understood that we have to take it easy and enjoy it, and that I want to make a contribution, I want to create original, nice posts that help someone to grow up, that help me to grow up, that help Steemit to grow up, that help each of us to have a community with great content, a community where we want to go back once and again.

I'm very grateful to @Cervantes, @Rutablockchain and all the communities that support posts written in Spanish. I won't dissapoint them and I'll keep writing in Spanish, but I want to focus on english speaking audience, cause I think they could find it more original because of the language barrier. By doing this I'll have to improve my English, and that is another goal...

We can make Steemit the best place, the best Social Network, it's up to each of us. Let's do it!

P.S. Since I've been being grateful, I want to say Thanks to @odc and @curie for their upvotes. What a great feeling get upvoted the first time! Please keep supporting newbies!

Advices are welcome! Feel free to ask whatever you want. Let me know your thoughts.

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