An Oracle Joins SteemIt

I love contemplating symbols.

Symbols make up our reality, whether it be numbers, animals, molecules and patterns. I enjoy asking questions, casting cards or stones with symbols on them, and letting probabilities pick the cards or stones with symbols on them for me to contemplate their relevance to the question. As I contemplate, I project my own interpretation onto the information that was cast and then formulate a story.

I sometimes do this when I can do with some inspiration from an external source. This allows me to be exposed to variables I may not have considered before hand, leading me to make better decisions. There does not have to be anything metaphysical about this process.

What is divination?
I define it the way I apply it at its most fundamental level: a systematic method in which I use random symbolic fragments that represent various aspects of manifest existence, and contemplate them for insight into the query at hand.

Sometimes people will ask me for predictive type of information. I tell them the story that the symbols are telling as they are cast. They are generally satisfied with the story telling. I cannot predict the future. But I can analyze symbols, make guesses and intuitively gauge probabilities.

The universe is chaotic, in a state of dynamic flux, and thank Goodness.

How does divination work?
It remains an ineffable mystery to me that I am trying to understand. As per its etymology, I suppose divination works via divine revelation. I will have a better idea of how to answer this when I have a better understanding of where our thoughts actually come from.

How does Tarot work?
Tarot is a systematic description of Qabalah. A Tarot deck contains 78 cards, 22 of them are part of the Major Arcana, and the other 58 cards are part of the Minor Arcana. The word Arcana means Mystery in Latin. It is etymologically similar to the word Arcane The 22 cards in the Major Arcana each correspond to a letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The Minor Arcana correspond to the various pairings between The Four Worlds and each of the Sephirot (Hebrew word for spheres) in the Tree of Life. Each of The Four Worlds corresponds to a plane of reality that corresponds to the suit of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles (that each correspond to the Hermetic elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth respectively.) Each Sephirot in the Tree of Life corresponds to a set of archetypes.

I will be going into a lot more details on these topics in future posts.

The Ancient Sages concealed Qabalistic teachings in the form of a card game to preserve the profound Wisdom that the teachings convey.

Qabalah is the oral and esoteric tradition in Judaism. Universal Qabalah, Hermetic Qabalah, and any other "Non Jewish" traditions of Qabalah were largely developed in Hellenistic Alexandria and resurfaced again during Renaissance Europe.

The Tree of Life. Each path on the Tree corresponds to a Tarot card (and a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.)
(Found from Pintrest.)

My love of tarot largely stems from my love of symbols. I have been studying Tarot since 2011 and it has been an adventurous contemplation on manifest existence so far. I also delve into Runes and the I Ching, but tarot is my forte.

I plan on using my blog here on SteemIt to discuss symbols, archetypes, mythology, models, divination, Tarot, Runes, I Ching, philosophy, Qabalah and whatever else catches my fancy.

I will also be frequently posting FREE TAROT READINGS for people. You can email me at aleph_tav_heh at protonmail dot com. I might be too overwhelmed to get to them all, so please do not be offended if I do not answer your question.

I am a free range wandering Wild Woman with a laptop. I am available to do readings in person, via Skype or phone. I take crypto.

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