When Steemit can be the right way... you have to try!


Hello Everyone!

First of all I want to apologize for the grammar mistakes you'll eventually find in this article. As you're going to find out I'm not a native English speaker and, even though I think my English is comprehensible, I know it's not as good as yours. So, please, take note of that!

Why "ziogio"?

My nickname is "ziogio" because I'm an uncle of two babies ("zio" is the italian word for "uncle") and because my name starts with "Gio". So I just made a great combo!

Even though it can be strange, I'm pretty young too. I'm almost 18 years old. Anyway, my oldest brother is 40 years old so you can understand why this is possible.

Who Am I?


Let's talk a little bit about who I am concretely.

I'm an Italian guy and I study in a course named "Biotechnology for the Environment". That means I study mainly biology and chemistry to understand how the nature works and how to develop new system for energy and so on (we answer question such as: "what do we do when the petrol will be out of the game?").

But I study for curiosity. I know I'm not going to work in this sector or, at least, I know I won't work physically in this sector. Because I want to work online and I'm deeply trying to figure out how.

Apart from school, I volounteer in 4 associations. Or, at least, that's what I did the past year.

Two of them stands for LGBT equality in my country (and equality in general - no discriminations). One of them is about tutoring medium school kids (I love free education) and the last one is about giving out course to enhance the possibility for people with the down-syndrome to become self-sustained (live on their own and so on).

That's mainly the reason associated with the title of this article. Steemit could be the way to solve my problem and I'll for sure give it a try. And I'll give it a serious and in-depth try, since it's pretty interesting.

Why Steemit?


There are plenty of ways to earn online.

You can become an IM (Internet Marketer) and start profiting by selling online products. You can also sell affiliate products, so you even don't need to own or write any content.

I know it sounds great, but in my opinion it's not. At all.

I don't want to sell people stuff that:

  • I don't personally know. Affiliate marketers don't know what's inside the product, they just see the income opportunity and decide whatever it's valuable or not. At least, the majority of them (in my opinion. If you have some datas, PLEASE comment. I love when someone argument properly);
  • I don't have the ability to promote. To become an IM you need traffic and you need people interested in your product. Even though I have a blog, I don't have the traffic you need for this type of market;
  • Seems free (fake freemium models). I want to give value to people. I want either to make them laugh, write entertainment posts, talk about something we can all be intersted in and just take a break from serious stuff (or not - even them are OK!) and talk about something easy but still profitable for both. You quiet down, I get the attention I wanted;

And that's the main reason why I still don't feel to belong in any of the IM areas. Hope that'll change.

Why I didn't subscribed "ASAP"


I waited for a bit before I decided to join Steemit.

That's because of three main reasons:

  • I don't believe in anarchy. I saw that anarchy is one of the most common political way of thinking, so I thought maybe the community would have hate me;
  • I don't write in perfect English. You can see that. I'm pretty good in Italian and, even if I try to become that good in English too, the road is still long and I can't wait because I need an earning opportunity right now. And I love to earn for good contents and social interactions;
  • I didn't have positive karma on Reddit. I had to earn it.

What I will talk about


This is a social network - basically. Am I right?

So why should I talk about a single topic? I love to express myself. Being it for curios thing, dumb thing, easy thing or even hard thing (as you can guess by what I do in real life).

My profile will be a mix of - I hope - interesting posts and subjects I want to share with the community. I have a lot to talk about and I hope you'll be part of the people who wants to listen to me.

Hope we'll see on the inside!


That's it for now. I hope all Steemians can become a great community that gets paid to do what we love and deserve as content creators.

I hope to see you on the inside and, please, if you have time try to check my grammar mistakes. I'll be really glad if you help me to improve my English skill!

NB: the images are from pexels.

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