Hi! I’m Glenn and I Hear Noises No One Else Can Hear

Hi Steemers! I’m Glenn, and I may have only just discovered this crazy, beautiful community, but I have to say that I’m all in! 

And I hope to bring a little something different to the table. I don’t write about tech, or popular culture, or travel like a lot of you. I mainly write about illness. Chronic illness to be exact, which is something I haven’t really seen on Steemit yet.

But it’s about a lot more than just being sick. I write stories about overcoming incredible odds. Facing unthinkable circumstances with a straight face and coming out the other side a better and stronger person than you were before. It’s about punching your deepest fears in the throat. And making the most of the hand you’ve been dealt. 

Oh yeah, and I hear noises that no one else can hear. 

Though it’s probably not what you’re thinking. I’m not Schizophrenic or mentally ill. I’m talking about something much more subtle and far more insidious.

And while you won’t be able to hear the crazy sounds that I can hear, you might just know what it’s like to be me. In fact, I’m willing to bet that most of you have heard something similar.

Ring Ring Go Away:

Ever heard ringing in your ears after a concert or a night out partying? The kind that usually goes away after a couple hours? It’s called Tinnitus. And it probably never bothered you because in small doses it’s not really an issue. But imagine for a second what it might be like if it was three times louder and never went away. It’s not a pretty picture.

Yet for me, and for hundreds of millions of people around the world like me (Tinnitus affects nearly 15% of the general population according to the CDC), the sound never stops and it can drive you completely crazy.

And it’s more than just ringing. I hear high pitched tones, low pitched tones, and whooshing sounds. Others hear clicking, chirping, screeching like nails on a chalkboard, and more. Some hear their heartbeat pulsing in their ears. Some people even hear music.

I’ve lived with this crazy condition for as long as I can remember, but for most of my life, I just thought it was normal. I didn’t even realize that no one else could hear the sounds that I could hear when it was quiet until I was thirteen. It never really bothered me. 

But that all changed five years ago when I was diagnosed with another crazy condition called Meniere’s disease.

You probably haven't heard of it. I hadn’t heard of it either. It’s pretty rare. And it’s particularly nasty. It’s not fatal, but there’s no cure and doctors don’t know what causes it. Most people get it later in life. I got it at 24 and had to grow up pretty quickly. Violent vertigo, hearing loss, and Tinnitus will do that to a person. 

So for the last few years, I’ve been sharing my stories to inspire people with Meniere’s disease, other balance disorders, chronic illness, and now Tinnitus, too.

(Oh Tinnitus. You’re the only whining noise more annoying than my wife.)


But I also hope to inspire everyone else. Because behind every chronic illness is just a person trying to find their way in the world.

We want to find love and be loved and be happy just like you. We want to be successful and do something that matters. We’re just dealing with unwanted limitations in our hero’s journey.

You can learn a lot from adversity. But you can also learn a lot from the person who just never gives up. Who wakes up every day and kicks hardship in the balls. There is wisdom to be gained from the hard-won happiness of others.

That’s what I hope to bring to the table, to share with all of you.

Thanks for welcoming me into this awesome community!

More About Me:

I run two websites: Mindovermenieres.com (verification) and RewiringTinnitus.com (verification).

I’ve published a book on Meniere’s disease and have a new book coming out soon on learning to live with Tinnitus!  

I'm a volunteer and Ambassador Board Member at the Vestibular Disorders Association (verification halfway down the page).

I’ve been published on notable blogs in the chronic illness space like themighty.com.

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