Introduction - The Little Story About Who I Am and My Thougths of Contributing to the Community...

Hi Steeemit community!

It’s about time… I write my self my introduction and let you all know some about me and what I will try to contribute with to the community. You all have to bare with me as my English spelling sucks... its not my greatest skill in life! But I survive by making up my own spelling or talk in Swenglish…I hope you all can make sense of what I’m trying to write and that it will be understandable. If you have question about something that sounds strange or can not be understood, ask me and maybe it could be communicated in other ways...

Hey whats is me


This Picture is taken in the forest, one of my favourite places to be. Nature is something I love and the beauty of it can never be written or talked in to words, its just too amazing for me to try. I’m longing to become more in tune with nature and the nature of things and giving back and take in small to be in communion again with the natural cycles. I do a lot of hikes in the forest and camping out under the stars. With a great fire in the summer is something that is just amazing...

I hope…. I can bring some contribution to you with some good answers and questions that make up for good thinking. It’s always answer and questions in my life…. That is my life! I have the nomadic philosophy in me and as suited to my name; Sofia (Swedish), that is origin from the Greek name philosophy and the Greek name Sophia, I decided to have my Steemit named after the old way and diving for great philosophic topics and thoughts.

I will try to bring my world in to this community…. That is my view, my thoughts, questions, answers, dreams, arts, pictures, writings. Whatever is appearing in front of my two eyes and as well as inwards trough my third eye, diving to the soul! Hopefully you will get something out of your readings and hopefully we can have great exchanges of thoughts.

…. my mother did a great job, or I tuned in to the name along the way.

Here is me in my creative mode, happy and some times in a bit of a mess! A lot of the different items I’m usually using is hiding in this picture, camera, guitar, paints, threads, beds and pens, altar, statues, flowers...


“What is life about ….what is the meaning of it all”, “Why are we here?”, “What am I here for?”, “What can I do?”…. All is philosophical questions and dreams and hopes. Something to ponder upon during countless times in our lives. Where am I? Where do I want to be? and why?....for whom...

True personal experience I have found that there is something divine, a power in life we cannot do anything about. We need just to try and work with what is given and do the best out of that. Just walk out side and try to turn the sunny day in to rain, try to kill the flower with you heart and try to make the world to peace with you mind.

Life is a journey, a roller coaster…. with hard times and good times, with pain and misery and with happiness and joy. And "Its just a ride"- 'Bill hicks, one of the greatest comedian of our time...' We are here riding it and making the best out of it, and we make it better by not clinging on to either side, and be grateful for the ride and what it teaches us. Hopefully we can learn not to be in anger to one another, kill, destroy and try to be superior to one another and to nature.

I don’t believe in any religion, I believe in them all…. what they all speak about in, the essence they all refer to, not the outside “material world” but the inside. The inside soul and values.

One thing that makes us greater is the people you surround yourself with.. If they don’t bring positivity in our life there is a great chance you will not become happy. Support is crucial to our survival...That’s why I decided to move in to a communal living space here in Gothenburg where I have been living the past 7 years and with these guys..... Before I make my big move and try my luck settling in India for some years and starting to grow and make my way to self-sufficiency. With them it's a great adventure to be made before that. The dog Lizzy is our greatest asset and she is the one covering my face.. And everyone have been joining Steemit.** And our good friend Johan @reko is the one who pushed us all in.


I have had many hard times during my life.... Some get many, some gets less, some gets them in the beginning some gets them in the end, what do we know… we all have the basic conditions to get them. I’m not sad that they have been many in my life, of course it have been tough and still is sometimes but the knowledge they have been giving me is constantly giving me blessings in my life. They have given me other perspective on things.

But my past… is not what defines me. But its lessons from it I have with me, it’s a part of me and will always stay with me... but it doesn’t define me. We can never be defined, we are not static entities. We are in constant change that’s the only thing we actually know for certain in the universe. What defines us is what we do in the moment, what current actions we make and how we live our lives… values and morals right now,. The past is unchangeable but the further will constantly move forward and change... without regrets it moves with nature. Forgiveness is the greatest tool.

That’s the beauty of the nature of all thing and the nature itself... sofias 1240orginal.jpg

This picture I took in my early days when I just bought my camera, I was taking a walk on a small island in the north of Sweden in a part called "The high coast". I was meeting this great view when the sun was going to settle down to shine elsewhere for a while.


Past lessons are great asset we can use in the moment. I'm a believer, not because I know it is so, but by my experience that has shown me the value of different ways of thinking. It has given me a sense of meaning and understanding of the world and life that I live. I hope you found or find yours as well that help you transform your life into beauty instead of struggle or fight.

I will tell you my life story…. but its going to be a long post and if you like you can read it..... I’m telling it because for me it makes sense to tell it in order for you to know my process and how my experience and life has brought me to my line of thinking and believing. If you like my post and think there is something in what I say that might interest you, here is my past life.

My contributions here will be in different fields… Neuroscience, psychology and spirituality (perceptions of the world) is three of the subjects that is close to my heart, as well as creativity and they way imagination helps recovering these aspects away from diseases.

Combining these things and develop a healthier perception about life and ourselves is my main focus in life, my baby and my life walk. So I’m going to try to talk about the things I have learned and will learn during the way diving into these subjects, as well as posting different day-to-day life photos, experiences and other interests of mine which is: Health (working with small exercise in between daily tasks, doing labour that benefits your health and adapting training and food combination in your life), Music, art, theatre and the health benefits of the creative power within. Nature and the holistic ways of living (health and society wise) how to become more in tune to nature of the outside and inside of ourselves. Traditions, values, beliefs and effects (what do they give us and are they positive/negative, both or neither? Sustainable living, to be able to live life on your own terms and not be dependent on others system, so you don’t have to do things that’s not aligned with your own nature.

This is all something I’m constantly learning and adapting step by step in to my way of living. The key in this is that I’m not saying that I have any truth in anything that I’m going to tell or share with you! The truth is within your self.

Here is my feet travelling barefoot in the tram through town IMG_20170801_094357_552.jpg

A true sense of freedom always arise in me when I tune in to the aspect of the natural in it and not by others thinking. Often I have shoes now a days when in town, but as soon as I get the opportunity though it freedom wants to come out...

Happy meeting you, I hope all of us will have a long and happy lives, more in tune with nature (the outer and inner) for years to come!

Like Gandhi would say....

To see my friends sites....
@reko @jnart @helenasweden

Dancing with my friends at the beach! :)

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