Introducing Myself, Why I'm Here and What I'm About

Hello There,

My name is Spenna and I'm very excited to have found a place like Steemit. I'm looking forward to engaging with like minded people on a platform that isn't controlled by the Zuckerberg's and governments of the world.

When I say like minded people I'm not talking about people that necessarily share my views. On the contrary, I am more interested in people challenging what I say and believe so that I can become a more well rounded person. When I say like minded I mean people that are keen for an open dialogue, free of censorship and control from people that would want to silence those that don't toe the party line.

So what do I do and what am I about? I'm a bit of a mixed bag if I'm to be honest. As far as occupation goes I'm an electrical engineer that specialises in power systems. When I'm not working I'm doing taekwondo, currently training to test for my 4th Dan. I also recently became a father nearly three months ago (a life changing experience to say the least) when my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Apart from the 'what do you do' things that everyone asks I also have a fairly 'outside the box' outlook on life that often gets me into trouble when I speak my mind, which is why I'm so attracted to this platform.

I'm very much what you would call an anti-SJW (Social Justice Warrior), not because I don't believe in actual social justice, but because I think that the modern SJW has now become a first world cry baby that is more interested in made up micro-aggressions and identity politics than tackling real world problems that need our attention. I also think the same of modern feminism in the Western World.

When it comes to politics I think that both sides of the aisle are only trying to extract wealth from the population for their own purposes. It's just that one side attacks the rich and the other side attacks the poor. Almost everything your governments are telling you is lies.

I also think that we're on the verge of economic turmoil that humanity has never seen before, and that returning the money to the people is one of the answers (precious metals and crypto-currencies). I can't wait to see what happens in the crypto space in the 5-10 years.

I look forward to engaging with the Steemit community.


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