
Why is it that when someone starts an introduction with "Introducing someone who needs no introduction..", the introduction is usually the longest? Sorry, my ADD kicked in again.

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I am glad to have discovered Steemit, it is the next step in my journey of learning to think for myself, and discovering the truth underneath the propaganda. This journey really began about 4 years ago when I learned about Max Keiser, who led me to cryptocurrency, which led me to many "alt media" sites, which has opened my eyes to what is really going on in the world.

The concept of an uncensored social media platform, which hopefully can bring all of us together to learn from each other rather than being purposely divided is exciting. Maybe it is an unrealistic expectation, but I am a complete noob at this, so let me enjoy my dream world for a little while.

Blogging and creating content is uncharted territory for me, I have been more of a reposter and humorous commenter, but the idea of starting a blog is enticing. There are many unique experiences in my life that have taught me many things that are unknown for most people, and I would love to share them to hopefully have others learn from my experiences (and at the same time learn from theirs).

If you've managed to make it this far in my longwinded introduction of "a man who needs no introduction", thank you for your patience and perseverance. Please bear with me as I learn how to properly navigate in this world and I look forward to our journey together.


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