My Introduction Post


Hello Everyone,

Welcome To My Introduction Post.

My name is Sundayba Willie and I am a Nigerian.

I decided to share my journey through life from my earliest memories after I posted part of it in a secret Women's group on Facebook last year and received inspiring feedback from women all over Nigeria and abroad.

Though I appreciate the seemingly extraordinary events within my story that shaped me,I know it is not unique to me so telling it might inspire others going through situations similar to what I endured to free themselves from shame and be encouraged to speak out.

This blog is not intended to be a pity party but a reflection of how God orchestrated and used events that should have killed my spirit to redeem me.

Please know that, I have debated with myself whether or not to post these stories and died a thousand deaths from fear of being shamed and ridiculed by cyber bullies. Because I know our (Nigerian) society is still struggling to grasp the “speaking out” trend on social media, I do not write blithely and will enjoin those obligated to comment on future posts to do so with respect for me and others.

I am hoping that sharing these stories will help bring healing and forgiveness where pain persists for me.

Take a peek into the rollercoaster of hate,pain,abuse and triumph I call life. Follow me on my journey to cheap therapy.

My story. My perspective.


Disclaimer:Names of some individuals and locations of some events have been changed to protect the identities of the parties in involved.

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