Hello Hello Steemers! (No?) Anyway, here's my introduction!

Big Hello to you guys!

I am Vineet. This guy in suit:

Yes, I often wear suits so I couldn't find any picture without them! (You can TOTALLY believe me)

On other days, I also look like this:
Photo_Passport copy.JPG

See, I am not happy without my suits!

I live in Paris, France. (Don't envy me. It's been only a year and a half and I am still getting used to it! )
(A photo that I took from my phone on the way to a have dinner in a restaurant with friends )
And how many of you noticed the traffic jam on the street? Yeah, that's a big problem here, just like any other big city like London, New York, Beijing, Mumbai or Delhi.

Speaking of Delhi, that's my hometown! Well, actually Noida... a suburb of Delhi (But I haven't lived there in a long while.)
(Last time I was there, I was surprised by an advertisement for Baby Show. I wonder what that was but the baby looked creepy ! )

I am a 2 time entrepreneur! Raised a lot of money for the first startup and the second one was just a few months after I moved to France.

And did I tell you that both of them failed?

yeah, they both did!

In fact, I haven't yet stopped crying over the failure of the last startup. (Not really true! )

But I knew it was risky to start a business in a new country without speaking the language fluently. I had to try it...

Luckily, I have improved my french during that time!

Oui, Je parle bien le francais mais pas courament. (EN: Yes, I do speak French but not fluently.)

Anyway, so right now I am exploring what I want to do next in France.

I was getting myself educated on the blockchain technology and other easy stuffs like fake currency (I mean cryptocurrency.. please forgive me moderators.. oh but I read this is not a centralized system! :P )

Yeah, so that's when I found out about Steemit and thought of giving it a try! (Ok, the fact that I can earn money was less motivating than actually meeting early adopters of a new technology. Hope I am not wrong.)

I am also here to talk about Creep-o-currency (Pardon my spellings! ) and would love to interact with people on new technologies like Cryptocurrency (#iDontRepeatMyJokes! ), big data, AI, etc.

*** Also, I would love to know what problems or startups you are working on. If you haven't tell me what are the biggest problems worth solving that you'd like to work on??

PS: If you are in Paris, let's catch up for a couple of beers! ( And yeah, Beer's on you ! )

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