Introducing Myself

Hello, fellow Steemians!

My names is Wenjing Wang and I am Chinese. Recently I heard about Steemit from a friend and I soon got interested in this platform. So I would like to give it a try. Without further ado, please allow me to introduce myself a little bit.

Me and my husband, we came to Canada from China in August 2012 for our Ph.D. study at the University of Alberta. He has graduated recently and I am currently waiting for my Ph.D. defense. We have an 8-month-old daughter and we love her so much!

Before we came to Canada, we did our undergrad and master’s study at Shandong University of Science and Technology in Qingdao, China. Afterwards, we did one-year Ph.D. course study at China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing in Beijing, China. I love China where I was born and raised. I have my family (my parents and my younger brother) and many friends there.

So please allow me to stop here for now, because I would like to keep a little bit privacy and mysterious, LOL. If you would like to know more about me, please follow my posts in the future. Hope we all have fun with Steemit! Best wishes to you guys! :-)

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