Amazing Fantastic Inventions #1

Some people are genius, others are very stupid. But intelligence doesn't always matter when it comes to new products.

Many inventors believe in Innovation - others go for


What we do know is that when it comes to inventing, is it doesn't take brains... instead, it takes guts

Guts to show the people of the world your product

Guts to be proud of its design. 

and Guts to make people believe

So let me show you some amazing designs by some amazing inventors

The Double Toilet

Is this innovative or is this innovative. What a masterpiece! Smart and crafty.

Why waste others time when you need the toilet?

Now you don’t have to!

With this amazing product you can now double up! 

Now you can enjoy the bathroom with everyone and make 

potty time a social event!

  • -perfect for romantic getaways
  • -training the young ones
  • -bonding with buds

Don’t miss out on this product!

Next up we have the perfect gift for any situation

Glue Stick Butter

Perfect for any situation. Its small compact design allows for easy carry and deployment of your favorite butter. 

Ask yourself this:

How many times have I been away from home and didn't have my butter?

I know, it’s terrible. Your probably going to have a bad time

But no fear. The glue stick is now a fully functional butter dispenser, perfect for on the go, or contained in a purse. You definetly don't want to miss this exciting and inovative product.

Thank you for reading.

Keep an eye out for other Fantastic inventions! Follow me @generation.easy

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