Amazing Fantastic Inventions #4

Some people are Geniuses, others are just plainly stupid. Here we will explore the later type of people.

But sometimes intelligence doesn't always matter when it comes to new products.

Many Inventors believe in innovation and attracting the scientific community

Others go for creativity to capture the people's attention.

When it comes to inventing, sometimes it’s not how much brains one has, But how much GUTS.

Guts to BE PROUD! To stand by your design

And guts to make people believe!

So let me show you some Amazing Fantastic Designs that will have you wanting each and every product.


Ever made one of those tweets that went viral and you just needed to have a physical version to show off to your family and friends?

With this invention you can do just that!

The Combination of Twitter and Toilet paper is officially called "Shitter" paper

Now you can share your success with everyone who uses your toilet.

Because let’s face it, bathroom business can take a while and you might want some reading material

Forget the newspaper!

By personalizing your toilet paper with your favorite tweets you can be rest assured that the people closest to you will always be reading your stuff, and then subsequently flushing it down the toilet.

Up next is something you don't want to miss; a revolution in the making


Love Bacon?

Me too, I can't have enough of it.

It’s about time someone came up with this; this is a game changer in sandwich making

It takes too much time to cook up bacon, and those little bacon bits from the store are just gross.

By combining the ultimate ingredients together of Mayo and Bacon,

I know my mouth is watering just thinking about it

But seriously,

How many times have you had a plain sandwich?

It's Terrible; you’re probably going to have a bad time

Never have a plain sandwich again, because Baconnaise is here!

Watching your weight is difficult when it includes greasy bacon and pure fat of mayonnaise, but now with the "lite" version, you can always enjoy your favorite meal with 30% less calories.

Thank you for reading.

Keep an eye out for other Fantastic inventions! Follow me @generation.easy

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