I'm going to do a little investigation into the down voters who do so for purely dislike, and other reasons as well as their connections to other accounts and popular "services".

After 13 months I finally succeeded in getting hit by the down vote brigade. An army of people all voted at the same time on my recent post pointing out possible issues with Randowhale, and accounts like it. Primarily that is due to who is fronting those accounts, not due to what the accounts themselves do. I described it like the bully bringing candy to school.

That post was up to $55 or so before the bot votes hit it and dragged it down to $0 and -16 votes at one point. I had BernieSanders who is linked to all of these bots, and to Randowhale call me a butthurt old man in some comments before the down vote began. I actually wasn't butthurt, I was just inspired by reading posts by other people. I am not worried about money, and I am not butthurt. I do care what happens on steem though and I tend to always go head firsts at perceived "bullies".

I don't generally spend a lot of time thinking about BernieSanders, DonaldTrump, Randowhale, Engagement, TheCyclist, Danknugs, steemed, steemroller, lovelace, itsascam, dashpaymag, zztop, ledzeppelin, nextgencrypto, complexring, the hordes of badger bots, and many other accounts. I don't go out of my way to post about the ever growing "complex ring" of accounts passing funds through places such as TheGhost and bouncing in and out of various accounts. It is actually a pretty impressive shell game.

Now I am interested, now I have looked at puzzle pieces and I suspect there may be some interesting revelations if anyone bothers to look. So I will be one of those that looks. I do want to do a proper investigation and post some blogs with what I find. I'll do what I can to show the fragmented kraken and possible interconnections.

If you have information you wish me to look into related to this feel free to send it to me.

I don't intend to attack anyone. I intend to just show what is transparent on the steem blockchain. In cases where I am speculating I will be sure to state that is what I am doing.

I would not be surprised to see any such posts and possibly even this one down voted to oblivion. That is what they do. It doesn't have to be spam, plagiarism, or abuse with these people. It simply has to be something they don't like, someone they don't like, or someone who challenges them.

To do a proper investigation will take a bit of time. I spent a few hours doing some digging today and as I dug I kept finding more and more paths I'd have to follow. He has been a busy person. I am still not convinced it is just one person involved in these things, but it could be, and even if it isn't there definitely is at least one person who seems to be the most influential.

Why do this? Community is important on steemit. We cannot rely on code to solve everything. A lot of that is on us. If you whine about down voting and then you use the services of some of the greatest down voters then you really shouldn't be whining. Using their services simply makes them more and more powerful.

They have been countered before by people with more power and they didn't like it. They've gone cockroach like and spread all over the steem community, and they've found ways to quickly POWER UP across multiple accounts.

I wonder how many people using things like Randowhale truly know some of the things the person that made it has professed on steemit. If they did know these things would they continue to use it, or would they not? The optimist in me says they might stop, the pessimist in me says that greed often wins out.

I won't tell you what type of people we are dealing with, I'll investigate, show transfers, and show their own dialog to let them show you who they are.

The rest will be up to you. If you ignore it after the investigation then I will too.

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