Socially Responsible Investment. A Bigger Piece of The Cheese (Ecotrain)

I've recently posted an article about a company called TRINE that takes your money and invests it into solar power units for communities in African nations. The investor yields a modest profit after the completion of each project. The company has become increasingly popular since its birth in 2015 and has over 120,000 investors worldwide.
Here’s that article I wrote. @mrfunkymonk/trine-a-sustainable-investment-platform-that-makes-you-profit

It's the kind of investment that falls into the category of 'SRI' (Socially Responsible Investment). Although a broad term, it defines a company that has an investment discipline that considers Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance criteria (ESG) to generate long-term competitive financial returns and positive societal impact (

The thought crossed my mind today, where else can I invest cash into SRI’s?

It seems to be an up-trending subject. Many more of us are talking about SRI's these days. According to Wendy Connett at Investopedia, it's a subject that is being favored mostly by the Millennials amongst us, which I am.

I want to see what else is available out there, something further afield and different from TRINE's model.
Here are another two companies that stand as an investable SRI's.

Nova Nordisk

Nova Nordisk is a Danish/US found health care company whose shares can be bought on the stock market. Established around the time of the finding of Insulin, the organisation has a global reach and a focus on the proactive development of medicine for people with life-long conditions. Ranked one of the top 10 constituents players in 2017's SRI index they show a keen interest in putting people first.

Novo Nordisk.PNG
Video Link :

TESLA - SolarCity

Likely talked about more often than most of us would like, but there is good-basis to mentioning them again. Their recent acquisition of SolarCity earns them some true score-points.
SolarCity claims to be America's #1 full-service solar provider. Beyond that, their SRI rating looks pretty good, with SolarCity’s GivePower Foundation that donates solar power systems to schools in South America and Africa allowing the schools to operate at night to offer classes for adults along with children. These classes improve both the short- and long-term prospects of the communities served. (ALLISON GAUSS Allison Gauss,

SolarCity shares can also be bought on the stock market though is now under the name TESLA, which in itself has quickly become a household name associated with sustainability and a responsible means of investment.

Video Link

Hmm..the hunt continues. For now, I’ll leave you with this quote from Kevin Mahn.

"Through impact investing, investors will look to invest in companies or investment strategies that combine both social and financial returns. In other words, investors now want their conscience and wallets to both feel good about the companies they are investing in through their stock portfolios. This is especially true for the millennial generation." (Kevin Mahn, Forbes)

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