My Response to Cryptogee - Great Trick Article

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This my response to a comment by @affiliate, in crytogee's article.

I do not believe Dan is a crook. He is technically brilliant, however, that doesn't necessarily translate into a great product with great marketing. Back into 2013, I purchased the first PTS from Super3. PTS is the first cryptocurrency that Dan created, which ultimately lead to the creation of Steem. So, I have a long history of following Dan.

I too have high hopes for Steem, as I did for PTS, Protoshares, Angelshares, BTSX, and BTS. As an investor, it is your responsibility to own your investment decisions. Whatever Dan or Ned does or fails to do, the investor has to own his own choices. Do not risk more than you can afford to lose, be it time, money, etc...

Thus I don't blame Dan or Ned for anything. I look in the mirror and hold that guy looking back at me responsible for making investment decisions. Investing and speculation is a game of managing risk. The better you become at it, the more successful you will become. It has taken me over 20 years to become a better more consistent trader. However, I still have investments that I hold too long or sold too quickly.

So stay with Steem as long as you feel your thesis is working out. Bail and cut your loses if your thesis fails to come to fruition. These are your only two choices. As an investor, you can't blame anyone else, but yourself. Own it!

I hope this perspective helps someone.



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