SP distribution by account sizes

Yesterday, I posted A more granular look at Steem's account classifications with a breakdown of accounts by the amount of staked STEEM.

Today, I was curious about how much actual SP is held by each class of accounts, so I downloaded the actual balances of all accounts and slapped together a PowerBI report. Here's what I found:

  • The top row is the number of accounts by account type, and it basically matches what I got from SDS yesterday.
    • I broke it into two charts since minnows and above are invisible if they're all in the same chart.
    • "redfish" are repeated in both charts to try to anchor the perspective a little bit.
  • The second row is the amount of STEEM, SP, and SBD held by account type.
    • I didn't see a need to split this into two charts.
    • I used estimated SP instead of VESTS so that it could be visually compared against the liquid STEEM values.

And here's the script I used to do the download


echo "account,STEEM,SBD,VESTS" > /tmp/allBalances.csv
curl -s --data \
   '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.list_accounts", "params": {"start":"", "limit":1000, "order":"by_name"}, "id":1}' ${STEEM_API} \
   | jq -Src ".result[][] | [.name, .balance.amount, .sbd_balance.amount,  .vesting_shares.amount] | @csv" | sed 's/\"//g' | tee -a /tmp/allBalances.csv

while :
   lastAccount=$(tail -1 /tmp/allBalances.csv | sed 's/,.*//g')
   echo ${DATE}/${count}: ${saveLastAccount} ${lastAccount}
   if [ "${saveLastAccount}x" == "${lastAccount}x" ]
   curl -s --data \
      '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"database_api.list_accounts", "params": {"start":"'${lastAccount}'", "limit":1000, "order":"by_name"}, "id":1}' ${STEEM_API} \
      | jq -Src ".result[][] | [.name, .balance.amount, .sbd_balance.amount,  .vesting_shares.amount] | @csv" | sed 's/\"//g' | tee -a /tmp/allBalances.csv
   count=$(( ${count} + 1 ))

Some not-very-surprising observations

  • 4 blue whales have more combined SP/VESTS than 29 whales
  • So do 291 Orcas
  • I divided nanoplankton into sub-classes based on holdings, but I don't know whether there's any point in establishing new names for those subclasses.
  • Converting from the blockchain's numbers to human readable numbers is a real chore😉.
  • Almost all SBDs are probably held by the SPS and by the exchanges.
  • Dolphins and above hold very little liquid STEEM or SBDs.

Just for fun, here's another visual with the overall distribution of STEEM vs. SP. These numbers are broadly consistent with what I'm seeing in other reports.

Update: Here are the same visualizations redone with SBDs converted to the equivalent amount of STEEM debt:

Holdings by account size

SP, STEEM, and collateralized STEEM (SBDs)

Caveat Lector (reader beware)

  • It's always possible that there are errors in these visuals or in the download script, so be appropriately skeptical.

Thank you for your time and attention.

As a general rule, I up-vote comments that demonstrate "proof of reading".

Steve Palmer is an IT professional with three decades of professional experience in data communications and information systems. He holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics, a master's degree in computer science, and a master's degree in information systems and technology management. He has been awarded 3 US patents.


Pixabay license, source


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