
In this content I will try to make a summary to the topics we've covered in latest posts about investment domain.


we had touched the basics of investment for those who want to make their first step in this field full of management tools and which give us the spirit of loving adventure and increasing our degree of analyse. To master our new investment project and especially for those who don't have any experience in this field, we must ask ourselves three questions, as we had mentioned in that article, What is my goal? What is my current situation? and how much risk am I able to take? we should just concentrate with these questions first and then move to the preparations of the investment.


we covered investment factors that must be taken into consideration in our project. Those factors are : The market that should be analysed, Nature of investment which enable us to focus more on our investment specificity, Financing of investment to be aware of kinds and ways of financing that are possible to proceed with in the investment process and The risk that is taken by the investor .


we zoomed on RISK as a key factor of investment! we really have to pay attention to the degree of risk that face our investment, so we could handle it in the most appropriate way that is possible to minimize it. Interest risk, business risk, credit risk and inflationary risk. Thus, we can't talk about any investment project without relating it to its risk degree that we have to master.


we had seen how to analyse our investment, according to some parameters that we have to work on and types such as fundamental analysis, technical analysis, bottom up investing and top-down investing. So, during our investment process, we have to follow these steps to increase our degree of success and minimize the risk related to the investment, that way our work is going to be well organised and our project is going to be successful.


These were some clarifications to know more about this domain and a summary for those who didn't read all the articles that I had produced .
I hope this has been helpful for everyone and wish that you could visit my other posts to get more information and details about investment field .Don't hesitate to comment if you have any remarks, add or suggestions , this way I could develop my coming contents more ,Thanks in advance.

The links are bellow,

#3 @simolab/3-tips-to-start-an-investment
#4 @simolab/4-investment-factors-learn-how-to-manage-it
#5 @simolab/5-investment-risk-how-to-manage-it
#6 @simolab/6-how-to-analyse-your-investment

Other posts :
#2 @simolab/2-invest-in-steem-today-before-tomorrow
Brief Introduction post: @simolab/hi-there-let-me-introduce-myself

100% OWN WORK, except for the image !!



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