Get The Most Out Of Steemit! Stop Making Excuses! Make A Better Place For Everyone!


This is my second post, as I've been learning so much about this amazing online community. In light of the recent hacker attacks and also the substantial response of those who feel discouraged because they've been feeling a sense of lack of success lately, I'm writing this post to offer a bit of encouragement to everyone who might need it right now.

In our wonderful community, we need to support one another by remaining positive and striving to be even better contributors. When we see someone having a lot of success, we need to see that as our success as well. The more we all succeed, the more the overall Steemit community succeeds. Thus, we each succeed as individuals on Steemit. After all, at the end of the day, everyone should be having fun and not stressing out so much!

I thought this video would be helpful to those who may have already lost some confidence in themselves and possibly in the website, in lieu of some security breaches. I am sharing it in hopes of bringing attention to the fact that excuses aren't going to make us, or our community, successful. Giving yourself and others excuses is actually a complete waste of time and won't bring any of us success of any kind. The time has come for each of us to be positive, proactive, and solution-driven. 

I did not create this video; and I do not necessarily claim to agree on every single point that is being made in it either. However, its overall message did resonate with me; and I do hope that it brightens your day too. We all need to stand together to create, motivate, encourage, and inspire!

Please feel free to leave me some comments and links to any cool posts that you feel I might also enjoy! 

Thanks for reading!




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